A pickpocket acts as an inept golfer. Helpful souls become robbed. A female pickpocket turns up. The two pickpockets pick the golfers pockets. But they become disclosed. They try to escape and shoot a...
A short melodrama: the Chinese man Sang Lee takes pity on a white child (Jack). Twenty years later, Jack, now a prominent lawyer, defends his foster father in court from false accusations.
When the now-wealthy Jack sees his former lover by chance on the silver screen, he immediately goes looking for her.
Progress of the construction work on Iona Abbey is seen through the eyes of Hector Ross, a young minister and John Kane, a carpenter.
A young girl works cleaning the kitchen floor of a house. When she has finished she tosses the soap and cloth into the sink, which is full of water. The cook tells her, gently, that the soap will wast...
A camel train approaches and enters the city. A panorama of the city taken from the sea. Tiffin (compressed camel or horse fodder) being unloaded from ships lying out to sea by surf boats. The men wor...
A Royal Engineers sergeant shows how to load two carrier pigeons into a small wicker basket for transport. At the Rosyth seaplane base Felixstowe F2A flying boats and Short 184 seaplanes ride at ancho...
Sangay Rinchen (on the left) in "The Farmer and I" (2013-16)
"The Farmer and I" (2013-16)
Steve Coogan (front) in "Shepherds and Butchers" (2015/16)
"Above and Below" (2012-14)
Szene aus "Here and There"
Volker Michalowski (in the middle), Gael García Bernal (on the right) in "Salt and Fire" (2015/16)
En amerikansk videnskabsmand rejser til Haiti for at undersøge en oplysning om at man her fremstiller en gift, der kan gøre mennesker til zombier. Hans arbejde trues af politiet og en konfrontation ...
Om to mænd og deres problemer med at klare både hinanden og verden omkring dem, hvor alt og alle tilsyneladende vil gøre livet surt for dem.
Tiana drømmer om at åbne sin egen restaurant, og er også tæt på at opnå drømmen, da hun kommer til at kysse en fortryllet frø og selv bliver forvandlet til en frø. Nå må de to på en lang r...
En 12-årig elitespiller i lilleput-baseball-turneringen nægter at spille mere, så længe der er atomvåben i verden. En kendt basketball-stjerne bakker ham op, og snart breder protestbevægelsen si...
London i 1980'erne. En pakistansk politiker, Rafi, kommer fra Pakistan til London. Han bliver dybt chokeret over at dette brændende inferno med vold og oprørsstemning er den by, han mindes med varme...