The staged film represents the crew of the film newsreel, which has the task of finding suitable types of people, on the example of which it is possible to show negative social phenomena. They mainly ...
A general overview on the damages provoked by the WWII to the railway infrastructures and on the efforts to reconstruct them undertaken by the Italian state in collaboration with the allies.
Speakers pledge rehabilitation of displaced persons and refugees undergo training at Zettlitz farm.
0 Titles / 43 MV memorial and people passing by / 50 Refugees at Camp Feldafing / 70 Refugees i...
Montan film about the European Coal and Steel Community.
The black-and-white footage by Ernst Hirsch document the roof work on the Cathedral of St. Trinitatis or Catholic Court Church, carried out by master builder Hermann Ullrich at the beginning of the 19...
In the mountains of Austria, Norway and Italy, in France's Rhone Valley - Europe is harnessing waterways and building large power plants to supply much-needed, cheap electricity to Europe's revitalize...
A central message of the modernization program, which was the ERP, lay in the promise that the increase in productivity would also, and above all, benefit the consumer via the resulting fall in prices...
Gudrun Bruun, Olaf Fönss
Olaf Fönss
Olaf Fönss
Still from "Sperduti nel buio"
Still with Karen Sandberg (first from the right)
Still with Karen Sandberg (in the middle, bottom)
Frederik Buch, Karen Sandberg
Rita Sacchetto, Olaf Fönss
Il cortometraggio racconta l'importante sviluppo dell'altopiano della Sila, soprattutto agricolo, con la gestione del nuove ente statale, Opera della Sila, e per la politica della riforma agraria.
Il cortometraggio racconta l'iniziale opera di bonifica dei terreni calabri per la futura esperienza della riforma agraria.
1 - panoramica dei territori calabri impervi ed in stato di abbandono a...
"Ci siamo mai chiesti chi sono, da dove vengono, come vivono gli ombrellari?". La vita solitaria delle donne di Secinaro, il 'paese degli ombrellari'. La giornata di lavoro di un ombrellaio raccontat...
Transport and presentation, as part of the Paris' Fair, of a prefabricated house.
Views from the Sacré Coeur area in Paris, with a painter and a wine fest.
A film gives a tour through a history and a cultural heritage of the town of Telč. It praises its historical architecture, namely the middle-age and Renaissance epochs. It frequently employs travelli...
The digging of the canal on the Rhône and the construction of a dam, between Donzère (Drôme) and Mondragon (Vaucluse) have started. This is the result of the Marshall plan for the hydroelectric ind...
Pierre Courant (Le Havre's mayor and Minister of Reconstruction and Urban Planning) offers the keys to three houses built as part of his program for the reconstruction of the city.