A documentary film made on the occasion of the opening of the V. I. Lenin Museum in Prague with the participation of President Klement Gottwald and the government. Thanks to various reconstructions th...
An animated film that tells the story of the Marshall Plan's economic reconstruction aid in the form of a fable. Emphasis is placed on breaking down trade barriers and building a community market. © ...
The film was shot on the occasion of the 4th World Festival of Youth and Students 1953 in Bucharest. It tells the story of a high school graduate who is supposed to work in production in a socialist y...
Documentary film about the reconstruction of the Bethlehem Chapel in Prague. It presents the history of the Bethlehem Chapel from 1391 through the Josephine period, when the chapel turned into a wareh...
Documentario sullo sviluppo urbanistico e sociale di Roma nel secondo dopoguerra.
1 - rassegna di topografie che illustrano lo sviluppo urbanistico di Roma dal 1871 al 1943
2 - immagini dei ...
Il cortometraggio racconta i lavori di ricostruzione del porto di Livorno dopo dieci anni dal bombardamento che lo ha distrutto e la vita marittima che riprende.
1 - veduta panoramica dalla colli...
President Einaudi visits the city of Trieste, once again Italian. President Einaudi and Minister Mattarella remember the fallen railwaymen with a memorial. The bridge over the Fella River is launched....
Catholic and folk parade, probably in Reims.
22032 - Douai en ruines
22942 - Nieuport - Zouaves (Nieuwpoort, Flandre-Occidentale)
22887 - Nieuport (Nieuwpoort, Flandre-Occidentale)
26580 - Vosges - Skieurs allemands
23125 - Argonne - Popote en la ligne
23241 - Dormans - Pont coupé (Département Marne)
23219 - Blérancourt, Saint-Paul-aux-Bois (Département Aisne)
26397 - Vosges - Guetteur Allemand
Trailer (draft) for "Liebe", handwritten.
"Ueberhaupt und so....", Der Kinematograph, 717, (1920). Polemik anlässlich einer Reichstagsdebatte, in der das Kino als Hauptdarsteller pronographischer Kunst bezeichnet wurde. Zitiert werden die Au...
Dialogue list (excerpt) for "...und abends in die Scala".
Internal correspondence regarding "...und abends in die Scala".
Walter Thielemann, Der Vaterländische Hilfsdienst und die Kinobranche, Der Kinematograph, 521/2 , (1916). Befürchtung, der Vaterländische Hilfsdienst könne die Kinobranche schwächen. Diese sei ab...
Daily production report on the shooting of "Was eine Frau im Frühling träumt", No. 1, 02 May 1958.