On Whit Weekend, millions of Europeans take to the streets to enjoy a short vacation in the spring air. The film shows the freedom of Western Europeans to organize their own leisure time, in stark con...
Letter from a French student to a German politician in which she presents him with her father's Cross of Merit. Flashback to the 1914-1918 war, Verdun, battlefields, cemetery. Pictures from the Ruhr a...
After various difficulties, an unemployed Italian finds a job at the “Aquila” refinery, which has been reconstructed thanks to the money and machinery sent by the United States through ECA. No dat...
Creazione di squadre di volontari per dissotterare le mine disseminate sul territorio italiano.
1 - cartello in testa a ricordo di quanti morirono nel tentativo di disinnescare le mine;
2 - ...
1 - Campagna ed abitato di San Vittore
2 - crepe e danni sulla torre campanaria e sulla pittura di un affresco
3 - un favo brulicante di api su una superficie dipinta raffigurante un volto s...
Il documentario illustra il lavoro di ricostruzione e di restauro di alcuni monumenti dell'antichità romana, di chiese, di mosaici e di affreschi del Lazio.
1 - panoramica sui Fori romani
Il cortometraggio parla della ripresa del porto di Genova a dieci anni dal conflitto mondiale e del lavoro marittimo che svolge.
1 - le immagini del porto di Genova entrando dal mare, molte navi ...
L'Italia bombardata. Chiese e monumenti distrutti dalla guerra - dal 1942 al 1944
1 - un edificio duramente danneggiato dalle bombe
2 - l'ingresso di una chiesa gotica danneggiata dal bomba...
Main de Massiges (Département Marne, Champagne-Ardenne)
23113 - Tourelle détruite - Champagne
Marne 1914 - Église Ambulance (Département Marne)
Eglise de Suippes (Département Marne, Champagne-Ardenne)
4099 - En Reserve - Rosières-Somme (Rosière-en-Santerre, Département Somme, Picardie)
12611 - Vers Craonne - Entonnoir de mine (Département Aisne, Picardie)
Mitrailleurs contre avions Mont Kemmel (Flandre-Occidentale, Lys)
26407 - Tyrol - Cantonnement Autrichien
This film presents at least two distinct settings: on the one hand, the film reports on the progress of a construction site near Caen. From the foundations of the buildings to the roofs, the different...
If there were an ideal-typical Marshall Plan film, "Village without Words) would come very close to it. Surprisingly, in Kurland's film the ideal takes the form of a hymn, a celebration of aid and rec...
Le Havre is the most destroyed harbourg on the continent. While the war is over, men clear the ruins to make room for the new docks. Commentary on aerial views of the port and the excavation and recon...
Through Charley's journey, the cartoon seeks to underline the disadvantages of traditional cities and the need for new, functional and hygienic cities.
This cartoon seeks to persuade us of the di...
Destruction of the Eppendorf University Hospital during World War II and reconstruction in the post-war years.
Algiers solemnly welcomed the bodies of 135 Algerian fighters who fell in the battles of Italy, France and Germany during the WWII.
Report on the construction of the future "Palais des festivals" which will host the ceremonies and screenings of the next Cannes International Film Festival.
The trial of Marshal Pétain for high treason lasts four weeks in July and August 1945. The last days of the trial: the witnesses, the closing speech of the prosecutor, the pleadings of the lawyers, t...