1 - Colonne di fumo sulla città inquadrata da lontano
2 - macerie in viale Regina Elena
3 - passanti e curiosi con le biciclette a mano
4 - la Clinica Medica ed altri istituti di sanit...
1 - immagini della città del Vaticano
2 - San Pietro
3 - soldati fanno la guardia a piazza San Pietro
4 - carta della città, vengono tracciati i punti dove sono cadute le quattro bomb...
After the liberation of Alsace, inventory of Alsatian villages and images of the reconstruction.
Several people died from cold during the harsh winter of 1954. The appeal by Abbé Pierre to help the homeless causes a collective awakening to poverty in France and an unprecedented wave of generosit...
The reconstruction of a viaduc between France and Germany, in Alsace.
A monthly report from Europe about three different countries. The first installment of the series presents the aid and cooperation of Germany, Denmark and Sweden. © 2002 Linda R. Christenson
I 1885 får William Cody - bedre kendt som Buffalo Bill - den strålende idé at bruge sit berømte navn i showbusiness. Han skaber et stort vild-vest-cirkus og cementerer sit flotte ry som præriehel...
The JDC's essential role in the relief, reconstruction, and resettlement of European Jewry after 1945. (Source: Steven Spielberg Jewish Film Archive)
A report about the help the American Joint Di...
The staged film represents the crew of the film newsreel, which has the task of finding suitable types of people, on the example of which it is possible to show negative social phenomena. They mainly ...
A general overview on the damages provoked by the WWII to the railway infrastructures and on the efforts to reconstruct them undertaken by the Italian state in collaboration with the allies.
Speakers pledge rehabilitation of displaced persons and refugees undergo training at Zettlitz farm.
0 Titles / 43 MV memorial and people passing by / 50 Refugees at Camp Feldafing / 70 Refugees i...
Montan film about the European Coal and Steel Community.
The black-and-white footage by Ernst Hirsch document the roof work on the Cathedral of St. Trinitatis or Catholic Court Church, carried out by master builder Hermann Ullrich at the beginning of the 19...
In the mountains of Austria, Norway and Italy, in France's Rhone Valley - Europe is harnessing waterways and building large power plants to supply much-needed, cheap electricity to Europe's revitalize...
A central message of the modernization program, which was the ERP, lay in the promise that the increase in productivity would also, and above all, benefit the consumer via the resulting fall in prices...
O. Verf.. „Aus Schweden.“ Der Kinematograph 380 (1914). Bericht über den Einsatz des Films als Werbemedium für die schwedische Armee.
Der Kampf gegen die deutschfeindliche ausländische Kinoindustrie, Bild & Film. Zeitschrift für Lichtbilderei und Kinematographie, IV,1, (1914/1915), S. 9-11. Die deutsche Filmbranche sei noch immer ...
Martin Dentler GmbH. „Die richtigen Films zur richtigen Zeit.“ Der Kinematograph, 401 (1914): 11. Werbeanzeige, die mit der Bedeutung der beworbenen Filme angesichts des Krieges wirbt.
C.Z.K.. „Presseschau.“ Bild & Film. Zeitschrift für Lichtbilderei und Kinematographie III, 3/4 (1913/1914): 89-90. Der Autor zitiert mehrere Pressestimmen, die den kulturellen Wert des Films herv...