Through Charley's journey, the cartoon seeks to underline the disadvantages of traditional cities and the need for new, functional and hygienic cities.
This cartoon seeks to persuade us of the di...
Based on ancient medicine's belief that a good life depends on good health, the film attempts to take stock of the state of health in post-war Europe and the successes that have been achieved in disea...
This film presents at least two distinct settings: on the one hand, the film reports on the progress of a construction site near Caen. From the foundations of the buildings to the roofs, the different...
If there were an ideal-typical Marshall Plan film, "Village without Words) would come very close to it. Surprisingly, in Kurland's film the ideal takes the form of a hymn, a celebration of aid and rec...
Algiers solemnly welcomed the bodies of 135 Algerian fighters who fell in the battles of Italy, France and Germany during the WWII.
Report on the construction of the future "Palais des festivals" which will host the ceremonies and screenings of the next Cannes International Film Festival.
Destruction of the Eppendorf University Hospital during World War II and reconstruction in the post-war years.
The trial of Marshal Pétain for high treason lasts four weeks in July and August 1945. The last days of the trial: the witnesses, the closing speech of the prosecutor, the pleadings of the lawyers, t...
A film about the badly damaged city of Hamburg, which is trying to rebuild its port with the help of the Marshall Plan and regain its pre-war role as a city of shipyards. A film in the "Strength for t...
The city of Warsaw is in ruins. A ceremony commemorates it, in the presence of Boleslaw Bierut and of the French Ambassador.
An experimental building site near Paris was built just after the WWII. Inaugurating the policy of experimental sites led by the Ministry of Reconstruction and Town Planning, it reflects the will of t...
A presentation of how life of pacients in the spa town Poděbrady looks like told through a perspective of a patient. The film deals with the cultural and sports life of the city and its history.
I 1885 får William Cody - bedre kendt som Buffalo Bill - den strålende idé at bruge sit berømte navn i showbusiness. Han skaber et stort vild-vest-cirkus og cementerer sit flotte ry som præriehel...
Roger Gillet (1916-1974), a mechanical modeler by training and later head of a carpentry-cabinetmaking company, was a member of the PCF in the 20th arrondissement of Paris // In the mid-1950s, he took...
The ruins left by the war will be replaced by cities and buildings designed by architects. We already see some of their achievements, compared to the monuments of the past.
Living conditions are difficult for many elderly people in this winter. This episode denounces that French people who worked all their lives, fought during the WWI and gave their sons during this last...
The little story of Koula the mule and his friend, a Greek farm boy, was well received outside Greece in Western Europe. The film commentary was translated into nine languages. With the help of mules ...
The film tells of incredible adventures in the commentary. But its images explore the gleaming machinery of a factory, full of the latest new technology, with which milk from all over France is turned...
"Asylrecht" was made in 1948/49 as a commissioned work for the British occupation forces. It was shown in Great Britain under the title Report on the Refugee Situation, January 1949. In Germany, where...
A critical propagandistic documentary compiled of archival footages depicting crimes of Germans on the Czech land, including intertitles counting how many war crimes were committed by Nazis and maps r...
The amateur film describes the course of the elections to the National Assembly among the employees of the Stalin plant in Litvínov. The film documents the announcement of elections, meetings of offi...
Norways hydroelectric complex, is finally ready to supply power to the nation and some of its neighbors. The fascinating story of the monster undertaking is told by a worker at the site. Begun before ...
Over the images of a rough sea and outgoing fishing boats runs an intertitle: "This film could not have been made without the aid of the people and the government of the Netherlands who have worked to...
Produced by the same team as "A Ship is Born", "Silkmakers of Como" shows just as much technical professionalism. The tone, however, is different, instead of the imposing images of the shipyard and th...