Der Film erzählt, inspiriert von den Geschichten aus 1001 Nacht, eine Vielzahl alltäglicher Situationen, die immer wieder mit historischen Ereignissen verwoben werden. Da bindet ein Vater seiner Toc...
Am 21. April 2013 präsentierte die Regisseurin Caroline Link ihre Oscar®-prämierte Verfilmung des Afrika-Epos "Nirgendwo in Afrika" (DE 2001) und sprach mit Urs Spoerri vom Deutschen Filmmuseum.
Der rote Barsch Shorty, seine Schwester Indigo und sein bester Freund, der Sägefisch Jake, leben gemeinsam in einem idyllischen Korallenriff. Bis eines Tages ein Schleppnetz das gesamte Korallenriff ...
Tonbild zu "Die Herzen der Frau'n von Berlin" aus der 1907 Metropol-Theater Revue "Das muss man seh'n!". Der Hauptdarsteller, vermutlich Emil Justitz, agiert playback zu einem Lied, das die Vorzüge d...
Max ist in seinem Beruf als Psychotherapeut zwar sehr erfolgreich, aber seine eigenen Probleme drohen ihm immer mehr über den Kopf zu wachsen. Seine Ex-Frau Loretta, mit der er sich eigentlich prima ...
Die wirtschaftliche Situation in dem bayerischen Provinzkaff Hinterdupfing ist wenig berauschend. Eines Tages kommt eine Clique Dorfjugendlicher auf die Idee, den Ort als Urlaubsziel zu etablieren. Si...
Greek villagers return to their homes in the mountains, destroyed first in the fight against the Germans and then in the civil war. The film shows how laboriously and agonizingly these people rebuild ...
A biographical film depicting a life of K. H. Frank. Frank's childhood is presented through a set of personal documents and photos. His alliance with Hitler is emphasised. Documents manifesting his cr...
Images from Paris and Parisians during the winter
How the people of Walcheren Island (Netherlands) have—with courage, perseverance and faith—reclaimed their island from the sea by repairing the dikes that were destroyed in the war. They are build...
Research in today's Messina of the motifs, colors and themes that Antonello painted in his very own way.
Documentary film from the First World Festival of Youth and Students in Prague 1947. It presents the arrival of individual delegations to Prague and a selection of sports activities and dance or music...
The film is full of contrasts. Corinth’s great past, shown by its ruins, seems to be replaced by a much less picturesque standard of living caused by poverty. A shepherd with his sheep is juxtapose...
La dura giornata di lavoro dei muratori nel cantiere per la costruzione dello stadio Olimpico a Roma.
1 - l'uomo direziona la gru che trasporta la colata di calce, un carretto trainato da un cava...
Work began on the new Naples station. Electrification from Bologna to Venice completed. The locomotive of train 450 is fished out. In Milan, the flag is handed over to the ex-combatant railway worker...
The documentary shows the efforts to rebuild, firstly in a temporary and then in definitive, the principal railway stations and lines to reconnect physically and economically the entire country.
1. 1951: Inauguration of the newly constructed Nordstadtbrücke in the presence of Minister President Reinhold Maier / 2. 1970: Inauguration of the Kanzlersteg over the river Enz / 3. 1971: Renovation...
The desertification of the French countryside takes tragic proportions, for instance in Goudron. The film presents the solutions to avoid the concentric madness of cities: modernization of agriculture...
Phase of the doubling works on the Battipaglia - Reggio Calabria line. Inauguration in Rome of the first section of the Metro: Termini Station - Eur. A concrete bridge with pendulum suspension tested ...
The black-and-white footage by Ernst Hirsch documents the blasting of the last remaining arch girder of the Carola Bridge on March 7, 1952. Shortly before the end of the war, on May 7, 1945, it had be...
In Maremma, the love story between two young peasants and the head of the family’s resistance to change are part of the background of a discourse on the need to modernize agricultural technology for...
The film depicts the work of workers climbing tall cranes and scaffolds in large shipyard facilities from a base 100 feet high. Filmed both from below and from the scaffolds, these workers are shown i...