Der Film erzählt, inspiriert von den Geschichten aus 1001 Nacht, eine Vielzahl alltäglicher Situationen, die immer wieder mit historischen Ereignissen verwoben werden. Da bindet ein Vater seiner Toc...
Am 21. April 2013 präsentierte die Regisseurin Caroline Link ihre Oscar®-prämierte Verfilmung des Afrika-Epos "Nirgendwo in Afrika" (DE 2001) und sprach mit Urs Spoerri vom Deutschen Filmmuseum.
Der rote Barsch Shorty, seine Schwester Indigo und sein bester Freund, der Sägefisch Jake, leben gemeinsam in einem idyllischen Korallenriff. Bis eines Tages ein Schleppnetz das gesamte Korallenriff ...
Tonbild zu "Die Herzen der Frau'n von Berlin" aus der 1907 Metropol-Theater Revue "Das muss man seh'n!". Der Hauptdarsteller, vermutlich Emil Justitz, agiert playback zu einem Lied, das die Vorzüge d...
Max ist in seinem Beruf als Psychotherapeut zwar sehr erfolgreich, aber seine eigenen Probleme drohen ihm immer mehr über den Kopf zu wachsen. Seine Ex-Frau Loretta, mit der er sich eigentlich prima ...
Die wirtschaftliche Situation in dem bayerischen Provinzkaff Hinterdupfing ist wenig berauschend. Eines Tages kommt eine Clique Dorfjugendlicher auf die Idee, den Ort als Urlaubsziel zu etablieren. Si...
The latest electric locomotives, the 2D2 5500 combines comfort, speed and safety. The film follows the production, the routing and the transformation of the electric energy necessary for modern electr...
A documentary about youth brigades that are being offered for the reconstruction of Lidice. The film recalls the tragedy of Lidice and describes the work of international youth in the construction of ...
I 1885 får William Cody - bedre kendt som Buffalo Bill - den strålende idé at bruge sit berømte navn i showbusiness. Han skaber et stort vild-vest-cirkus og cementerer sit flotte ry som præriehel...
The black-and-white film "Baroque in Reconstruction" by Ernst Hirsch dates from 1951/52 and shows reconstruction work on the Zwinger, which was destroyed in the air raids on Dresden in 1945. The inter...
Vacationers visit the Place de la Concorde in Paris and look at the Luxor obelisk and the Hôtel de Crillon. In the distance you can see the Eiffel Tower and children launch boats in a small body of w...
Famed radio station RIAS (Radio In the American Sector), which brought news and entertainment to the people of Berlin and Communist East Germany, is featured in this report. In the western sectors of ...
Educational documentary for workers at the Fiat about the speed of work and how to optimase the rhythm of work.
The footage shows the loading of a cargo of mass produced FIAT 1900 berlinas on a Italcielo boat. From the Genoa seaport the cars are shipped and delivered abroad .
A film depicts a national aid campaign supporting a development of Slovakia as a rural and more traditionally oriented part of Czechoslovakia. It puts into contrast an industrial Czech land and a folk...
A documentary film comparing current / everyday and historical / noble aspects of Prague.
Around the Blaubach and the Waidmarkt, the war damage is still clearly visible in Cologne's Südstadt. Houses lie in ruins while people try to go about their regular lives in the post-war period. View...
The city of Dresden was bombed by the Allies during the night of the 13th to the 14th of February 1945. Canadian army captures Kleve on February 26th.
To manage the increase in the number of school children and students, classrooms in prefabricated materials have been installed in schools and colleges which have become too cramped.
Based on ancient medicine's belief that a good life depends on good health, the film attempts to take stock of the state of health in post-war Europe and the successes that have been achieved in disea...
Displaced children in post-war Europe are eventually brought to Palestine. (Source: Steven Spielberg Jewish Film Archive)
Not only in contrast to an untroubled childhood in America but even in co...
Reconstruction activities in Heilbronn with focus on streets and squares (Part 1): Detailed footage from the years 1946-1953; in the early footage, mainly ruins and fallow land, then increasingly rede...