Avonturenfilm waarin Lidia de hulp van filmheld Maciste inroept. Als haar moeder en zij worden ontvoerd weet Maciste hen te bevrijden.
Il documentario illustra le battaglie decisive del Carso, la difesa sul Piave, le azioni ardimentose di D'Annunzio a Vienna e dei Mas contro la marina militare dell'impero austriaco, le visioni trionf...
Die Eltern von Bianca und Tomas kommen bei einem Autounfall ums Leben. Fortan müssen die beiden Jugendlichen in Rom alleine über die Runden kommen. Um finanziell nicht vollkommen den Boden unter den...
gelatina bromuro d'argento/pellicola (poliestere)
gelatina bromuro d'argento/pellicola (poliestere)
gelatina bromuro d'argento/pellicola (poliestere)
gelatina bromuro d'argento/pellicola (poliestere)
gelatina bromuro d'argento/pellicola (poliestere)
gelatina bromuro d'argento/pellicola (poliestere)
gelatina bromuro d'argento/pellicola (poliestere)
gelatina bromuro d'argento/pellicola (poliestere)
The film "Maciste, der Held der Berge" was banned by the censorship office in Berlin.
The production company "Südfilm A.G." applied against the ban of the film "Maciste, der Held der Berge" at the censorship headquarter in Berlin. The application was accepted. The film was permitted w...
The provincial government of Baden applied for partial revocation of permission of the film "Maciste unter den Löwen" at the censorship headquarter in Berlin. The application was partially accepted, ...
The provincial government of Baden applied for revocation of permission of the film "Maciste und der Sträfling Nr. 51." at the censorship headquarter in Berlin. The application was rejected.