Dokumentarfilm über Roland Kurz und Uwe Spille aus Villingen-Schwenningen, die als Clowns mit ihrem "Kakerlaki Clowntheater" unermüdlich durch Deutschland touren – und das seit 30 Jahren. Die Roll...
In a distant future, mankind has transformed into a society completely reduced to the intellect. Living in an obscure system of immense spaces, people can only be distinguished from one another by the...
A survey of the situation in postwar Germany, produced to raise funds in the US. The film is clearly structured: The first part demonstrates the severe damage of German cities, carefully weaving in ch...
Jens Klemig
Marion Kuhnt, Jens Klemig
Jens Klemig, Nele Boberach
Anja Dietrich, Jens Klemig
Jens Klemig, Anja Dietrich
Knut Karger
Klaus Peter Karger while shooting "Die Spaßmacher" (2019)
Knut Karger, Boris Tomschiczek, Peter Tomschiczek (v.l.n.r.) bei den Dreharbeiten in Ghana