The film is an extract from the Gypsies' way of living, dedicated to the celebration of the "St. George's Day" holiday. The theme of the film deals with the contrasts of the contemporary urban process...
The film reflects the life of the Macedonian emigrants and migrant workers in Australia. With their going away in far away countries and living abroad, some of them have succeed in socializing, but th...
Three boys during their games have found a weapon forgotten from the war and then a new dangerous game begins...
The film introduces the history of one of the oldest towns in Macedonia: Heraklea Linkestis, which has been built in the IV century B.C. and its cultural and art remainders as sculptures, arcades, mos...
After the Second World War and the liberation of the country as well as after the victory of the socialist revolution, a time of rebuilding and recovery comes. It is a time for insisting on collectivi...
A town in Macedonia is under German occupation. The end of the war is very near. In these last days of occupation the inhabitants of the town release some Russian and Italian soldiers. The German comm...