The video shows the first five minutes of the film.
The video shows the first five minutes of the film. Films from the National-Socialist period must be considered in the context of state-influenced production and reception. Further informations »
München 1974. – Franz Biberkopf (Rainer Werner Fassbinder), arbeitsloser Schausteller, wegen seiner Nummer "Fox, der tönende Kopf" genannt, wird durch den Kunst- und Antiquitätenhä...
Een vader is tegen de liefde tussen zijn dochter en een tenor. Als deze naar Wenen vertrekt, volgt de dochter haar hart en de vader zijn dochter.
Documentation of Radio Bern from the radio studio. News, broadcasting operations, interview preparation. Reporters with broadcast units. Teleprinting room. Writing the manuscripts, installation. Show ...
Film recapitulation of the private and political life of the first president of the Czechoslovak Republic, T. G. Masaryk, starts with a drawing of his natal house located in the town of Hodonín, foll...
"Wir machen Musik" was digitized by Friedrich-Wilhelm-Murnau-Stiftung as part of the film heritage funding program "Förderprogramm Filmerbe" (FFE) in 2020., the central internet plat...
The video shows the first five minutes of the film.
"Der Reigen" was digitized by DFF - Deutsches Filminstitut & Filmmuseum as part of the film heritage funding program "Förderprogramm Filme...
Szene mit Heintje, Wolfgang Gruner, Hans Kraus (vorne, v.l.n.r.), Theo Lingen, Peter Alexander (sitzend, v.l.n.r.)
Szene mit Peter Lohmeyer (2.v.l.), Gabriela Maria Schmeide (3.v.l.), Richy Müller (vorne, links), Nina Petri (vorne, 3.v.l.)
Otto Waalkes, Martin Schneider, Ralf Schmitz, Cosma Shiva Hagen, Norbert Heisterkamp, Gustav-Peter Wöhler, Mirco Nontschew, Boris Aljinovic (v.l.n.r.)
Eve Schwender, Rudi Schulz, Peter von Haller, Sebastian Stern, Moritz Thomas (from left to right) on the set of "Der Hund begraben" (2016)
Gustav Knuth, Horst Frank, Peter Kraus, Hans Albers, Walter Giller (left to right) in "Kein Engel ist so rein" (1960)
Peter Kurth, Lars Rudolph, Uwe Bohm, Nina Hoss, Rosa Enskat, Wolfgang Packhäuser, Marko Mandic (from left to right) in "Gold" (2012/13)
Harald Philipp (second from the left, sitting), Friedl Behn-Grund (in the middle, standing), Eva Bartok, Peter van Eyck (on the right) on set
Franz X. Gernstl, Hans Peter Fischer, Stefan Ravasz (left to right) in "Gernstls Reisen - Auf der Suche nach irgendwas" (2023)