Incomplet. The film follows the arrival in Lisbon of a UFA delegation to shoot some of the scenes of Estupefacientes/Der Weisse Damon (Kurt Gerron, 1932) and its french version (Stupéfiants).
Home movie. Filming of a child with his parents during a trip to Rome. The movie shows their visit to the zoo, to St. Peter’s Square and to the Colosseum. The video is a copy from the film print he...
Margaret durante il banchetto conversa con l'arcivescovo di Chanterbury
Margaret legge una breve dichiarazione durante il banchetto
Towsend scende da un'automobile
1 - cavallo nella scu...
Paula Wessely, Peter Parak, Vera Tschechowa (first to third from the left) in "Unter 18" (1957)
Peter Brings, Christian Blüm, Harry Alfter (left to right) in "Brings - nix för lau" (2021)
Peter Lohmeyer (back left), Joachim Król (front, second from left), Outi Mäenpää (standing) in "Zugvögel - Einmal nach Inari" (1997)
Rolf Peter Kahl, Saralisa Volm, Luise Helm (left to right) in "Als Susan Sontag im Publikum saß" (2021)
Gustav-Peter Wöhler as dubbing actor in "Der 7bte Zwerg 3D" (2012-14)
Nikolaus Bachler, Sir Peter Jonas (from left to right) in "Ganz große Oper" (2015-17)
Mario Adorf, Jost Vacano, Peter Arnold, Volker Schlöndorff, Alexander Ebermayer von Richthofen (v.l.n.r.) (Dreharbeiten)
Regisseure Erica von Moeller, Alexander Tavakoli, Gerrit Lucas, Peter Bösenberg, Florian Mischa Böder (v.l.n.r.)