Two cleaning-agent entrepreneurs (Dionysis Papagiannopoulos and Pantelis Zervos) decide to have their kids marry each other (Pavlos Liaros and Tonia Kaziani), each one believing that his competitor ho...
A young man decides to “sell” himself to make money. He is trained by a homosexual author and insinuates himself into high society, flirting with the daughter (Maro Kontou) of an industrialist (Di...
Rena (Zinete Lakaz), an orphan girl who lives with her uncle’s family, leaves home because of the cruelty of her cousin and aunt (Anna Kyriakou and Georgia Vasileiadou). She looks for a job in Athen...
An uncompromising director (Alkis Panagiotidis) is in the midst of a crisis. He has lost his best friend in a car accident and totally ignores his girlfriend (Isavella Mavraki). The final blow comes w...
An aspiring burglar (Dimitris Poulikakos) at a TV station falls asleep in the armchair of the General Manager, who has just been fired by a minister (Takis Chrysikakos). The following day, everyone th...
Three marginalized types (Dimitris Poulikakos, Thekla Tselepi and Konstantinos Christidis) are constantly challenging the establishment. Their lives are filled with love, adventure and humor. When the...
End of July, and it’s holiday time. Panos and Michalis are brothers-in-law from Thessaloniki and run a small business together. Brimming over with high spirits, they leave for Thasos to meet their ...
A pathologically jealous husband, Orestis Kalligaridis (Nikos Stavridis), makes the life of his wife Rena (Maro Kontou) a living hell. The affair of their maidservant (Martha Vourtsi) with chauffeur L...