A patriotic film tinged with humor and sentimentalism. Stock footage (the crowded town, the departure of warships) and reconstructed war scenes in the desert are part of the second half about th...
Špilberk is a picturesque castle dominating the modern city of Brno (Czech Republic). Over the course of time it has been a fortress, prison, museum and a place for torture. During the Inquisit...
The documentary reconstructs World War I through the letters of fighting soldiers. Both the situations in Italy and in other warring nations are taken into consideration.
Baldevin and Simen become friends while at sea, only to go their separate ways. Many years later, Simen is married to a wealthy widow. When Baldevin arrives in town, Simen seeks to ensure his friend's...
The film reviews the history and art of Vienna and the empire of which it was the capital for centuries, ending with a vision of the contemporary city.
The documentary makes use of different testimonies of Art Nouveau, from a brief, initial summary of the artistic movement, to an interview with a person (Sergio Tofano) who lived during that era...
A trip to Trieste and its surroundings following the tracks of three great writers: Scipio Slataper, Italo Svevo and Umberto Saba.
Images of Fiume (today Rijeka, Croatia) during the celebration of the city’s transfer to Italy at the end of the First World War. It begins with views of the city from the sea and of the port ...
Still from "Der Weg ins Licht"
Cameron Monaghan, Nick Price, Chancellor Miller, Jonathan Pienaar (v.l.n.r.)
Siegfrieds Leichenzug (Entwurf). Tusche, Bleistift auf Zeichenkarton
Szene aus "2012"
German movie poster of "Das Herz des Piraten" (1987/88)
"Elefantenherz" (2002)
Trude Berliner
German movie poster of "Die Farbe der Sehnsucht" (2014-16)
Film naar het gelijknamige boek van Bosboom-Toussaint over een meisje van adel dat vanwege de erfenis als jongen - Majoor Frans - wordt opgevoed. Als volwassen vrouw heeft zij moeite met het vinden va...
Australian soldiers, probably of 5th Division, at the south end of the Saint Quentin tunnel at Bellicourt. A temporary bridge has been built just below the tunnel entrance. A view, from on top of the ...
Russisch oorlogsdrama met opera-diva Geraldine Farrar in één van haar glansrollen als boerenmeisje. Russisch oorlogsdrama over de liefde tussen een boerendochter en een Russische tsarenprins ten tij...
(Reel 1) The full map shows Europe from Dover east to Frankfurt, and Antwerp south to Orléans. In various stages the map shows the five main phase lines of the war: the furthest German advance of 191...
An unidentified (and unfortunately incomplete) exotic melodrama, tends towards De Mille's The Cheat. Considered by specialists as a German film.
Opnamen van de Van Berkel-eendekker waarin het watervliegtuig in het water wordt geduwd.
Newsreel with international and Norwegian content, among others shipbuilding, sailing, Pickford and Fairbanks' wedding, and winter sport activities.
On the ground, men try to control a dirigible's cables to help it land near a hangar. Once again in flight, this dirigible meets another, Astra dirigible.