This film is also known by the title "L’ipocrita smascherato". In respect to other FAI films, it contains quite an innovative scene, in which the loan shark is on a train, looking out the wind...
<p>Unidentified film, probably three different reportage films, with Danish intertitles:<br>The attack at Monticello.<br>A pigeon transports a message.<br>Alpine soldiers issue...
A short film about the painter Gino Rossi: his life, art, struggle against the academies, conformity and middle class duplicity. His dissent is unyielding, his life complete freedom, but he ends...
The life of the parish priest don Giovanni Minzoni is reconstructed from adolescence to adulthood, from pastoral mission to extreme sacrifice. The film visits the places of his youth in his home...
The historical events connected to Garibaldi and the Expedition of the Thousand.
The life and work of the great actor Ettore Petrolini.
1. Zwischentitel: Schichtwechsel. Bild: Auf dem Fabrikgelände der AEG Berlin gehen Frauen an Fabrikgebäuden, gestapelten Fäßern und einem Pferd vorbei. 2. Zwischentitel: Herstellung der Töpfe f...
Spendid shots of the famous waterfalls filmed on the Canadian side and distributed at the time by the Belgian Cingraphique University, founded in 1926 and specialised in the distribution of documentar...
Siegfrieds Leichenzug (Entwurf). Tusche, Bleistift auf Zeichenkarton
Szene aus "2012"
German movie poster of "Das Herz des Piraten" (1987/88)
"Elefantenherz" (2002)
Trude Berliner
German movie poster of "Die Farbe der Sehnsucht" (2014-16)
Piet Clausen, Werner Hinz, Walter Bluhm, Heidi Becker (v.l.n.r..)
Helene Weigel (rechts)
We follow the ship Braganza from the harbour of Tromsø to the Svalbard archipelago. The Svalbard Treaty or the Spitsbergen Treaty from 1920 recognises the sovereignty of Norway over the Arctic archip...
Romantische film gesitueerd in een oer-Hollands polderlandschap. Een jonge boer en boerin beleven romantische momenten op het platteland. De jonge boer vraagt de ouders van het meisje de hand van hun ...
A woman, concerned about the continual absences of her husband, commissions a detective to follow him and report back to her. At first glance this appears to be a classic fictional device, all the mor...
Film documenting a tortuous series of cavalry exercises. It includes a harrowing sequence of horses descending steep hills and cliffs and jumping into the water. Film restored in collaboration w...
Suzanne en de prins van Sylvanie raken verliefd op elkaar, maar dit wordt verboden. Suzanne wordt het huis uitgegooid, krijgt een onechtelijk kind, wordt gek en gaat dood voordat zij weer bij haar pri...
Melodrama over broedermoord en over de strijd tussen twee zusters die elkaars tegenpolen zijn. De goede zuster wordt door slechte zuster waanzinnig verklaard en het kind dat ze met één van de broers...
Incomplet. Images of the procession of the President and his entourage in Lisbon on his return from a visit to the Western Front in France.
The fight between the German submarine U-139 and the patrol Augusto de Castilho (former trawler converted in warship) in October 14th, 1918. Images taken from the submarine.