Verfilmung des Theaterstücks von Rob Becker. Als Autoverkäufer ist Rob eine echte Niete, aber seine wahre Bestimmung sieht er ohnehin woanders: Seit Kindertagen träumt er davon, als Comedian Karrie...
Deutschland in den 1960er Jahren. Dem jungen Künstler Kurt Barnert gelingt die Flucht aus der DDR nach Westdeutschland. Aber auch dort wird er von den Kindheits- und Jugenderinnerungen an seine traum...
Der fünfzehnjährige Donald leidet an einer unheilbaren Krankheit und weiß, dass er nicht mehr lange zu leben hat. Einen Ausweg aus dieser tristen Realität findet der Junge über seine selbst gezei...
Basierend auf der populären Mädchenbuchreihe "Freche Mädchen – freche Bücher!" erzählt "Freche Mädchen" von den Teenagerinnen Mila, Hanna und Kati. Die drei sind beste ...
Guazzoni, in putting on this sensational work must have encountered many difficulties. However, he overcame them brilliantly. He presents the episodes and vicissitudes which characterise the liv...
First lead role for the gentle giant Maciste (original name Bartolomeo Pagano), who stole the scene to the leaders and the princesses in "Cabiria". The period and the location are different, but not t...
The making of patriotic films was not rare among FAI productions, and "Il bacio della gloria" is one example, together with "Armi e amori" (1913) and "Per la Patria!" (1915). “In the Speech fr...
Claire is the beautiful daughter of the director of the steelworks. Revolutionaries storm the director's estate during a strike, and the director is killed. Worker Albert Fjeld remembers that Claire h...
Young Espen has been wrongfully accused of a theft at school. Worried that no one will believe him, he runs away from home, boards a ship and experiences many adventures. When he later escapes the clu...
Young hairdresser Elisabeth Borg wins the lottery and treats herself to an Easter holiday at a mountain resort. Here she is subjected to the advances of a sly deadbeat, but is rescued by-and becomes e...
An uproarious comic, in which a novel duel by shrapnel is seen, the shells being strapped on the back of each combatant and hammers provided. The two have a most exciting time. Some clever trick...
The film shows a beautiful Winter's day in Nordmarka outside Oslo where people take the tram to the forest to go skiing and sledging.
Russisch oorlogsdrama met opera-diva Geraldine Farrar in één van haar glansrollen als boerenmeisje. Russisch oorlogsdrama over de liefde tussen een boerendochter en een Russische tsarenprins ten tij...
The film shows images from Rjukan and the surrounding area. We see narrow roads and sharp curves, the famous waterfall and the power plant, construction and industry, mountain dairy farming and reinde...
Film naar het gelijknamige boek van Bosboom-Toussaint over een meisje van adel dat vanwege de erfenis als jongen - Majoor Frans - wordt opgevoed. Als volwassen vrouw heeft zij moeite met het vinden va...
(Reel 1) The full map shows Europe from Dover east to Frankfurt, and Antwerp south to Orléans. In various stages the map shows the five main phase lines of the war: the furthest German advance of 191...
An unidentified (and unfortunately incomplete) exotic melodrama, tends towards De Mille's The Cheat. Considered by specialists as a German film.
Opnamen van de Van Berkel-eendekker waarin het watervliegtuig in het water wordt geduwd.
Newsreel with international and Norwegian content, among others shipbuilding, sailing, Pickford and Fairbanks' wedding, and winter sport activities.
On the ground, men try to control a dirigible's cables to help it land near a hangar. Once again in flight, this dirigible meets another, Astra dirigible.