Julius Neubronner (1852-1932), a chemist and inventor from Kronberg was one of the first people to film in the Rhine-Main region. In 1903 he acquired his first film camera, an Ernemann "Kino" for 17.5...
Julius Neubronner (1852-1932), a chemist and inventor from Kronberg was one of the first people to film in the Rhine-Main region. In 1903 he acquired his first film camera, an Ernemann "Kino" for 17.5...
Julius Neubronner (1852-1932), a chemist and inventor from Kronberg was one of the first people to film in the Rhine-Main region. In 1903 he acquired his first film camera, an Ernemann "Kino" for 17.5...
Julius Neubronner (1852-1932), a chemist and inventor from Kronberg was one of the first people to film in the Rhine-Main region. In 1903 he acquired his first film camera, an Ernemann "Kino" for 17.5...
Julius Neubronner (1852-1932), a chemist and inventor from Kronberg was one of the first people to film in the Rhine-Main region. In 1903 he acquired his first film camera, an Ernemann "Kino" for 17.5...
Julius Neubronner (1852-1932), a chemist and inventor from Kronberg was one of the first people to film in the Rhine-Main region. In 1903 he acquired his first film camera, an Ernemann "Kino" for 17.5...
Julius Neubronner (1852-1932), a chemist and inventor from Kronberg was one of the first people to film in the Rhine-Main region. In 1903 he acquired his first film camera, an Ernemann "Kino" for 17.5...
Julius Neubronner (1852-1932), a chemist and inventor from Kronberg was one of the first people to film in the Rhine-Main region. He purchased his first camera in 1903, a "Kino" manufactured by Dresdn...
Still from "Geschwindigkeit. Kino eins"
Still from "Geschwindigkeit. Kino eins"
"Original Copy - Verrückt nach Kino" (2014/15)
Szene aus "Raumpatrouille Orion"
"Original Copy - Verrückt nach Kino" (2014/15)
O. Verf.. "Kino und Schule." Bild & Film. Zeitschrift für Lichtbilderei und Kinematographie III,6 (1913/1914): 150. Der Kinoausschuss für Berliner Schulen habe seine Arbeit aufgenommen und veranstal...
O. Verf.. „Kino und Kirche.“ Bild & Film. Zeitschrift für Lichtbilderei und Kinematographie III, 3/4 (1913/1914): 73-74. Beschlüsse der Fuldaer Bischofskonferenz von 20.8.1913. Schulpflichtigen ...
Kriegsabenteuer eines Kino-Operateurs, Der Kinematograph, 437, (1915), S. 14-15. Erlebnisbericht des Müncher Kameramanns Martin Kopp von seinen Erlebnissen als Kriegsberichterstatter.
Righi, Amalia. "Das Neue im Kino." Bild & Film. Zeitschrift für Lichtbilderei und Kinematographie III,7 (1913/1914): 173-174. Kurze Abhandlung über das Kino und das Theater. Besonderer Erwähnung fi...
(Der) Kinematograph, 13/25
O.Verf.. "Kino und Katholikentag in Metz." Bild & Film. Zeitschrift für Lichtbilderei und Kinematographie III,2 (1913/1914): 40. Auf dem Katholikentag in Metz sei eine Resolution beschlossen worden, ...
Joniak, Nikolaus: „Der Kino und die Mässigkeitsbewegung.“ Der Kinematograph 395 (1914). Das Kino sei nicht nur kein Feind der Sittlichkeit, sondern stehe sogar der Trunksucht als Quelle aller mor...