Sponsored by Glasgow Corporation Education Committee, this educational film introduces the chief tools used by the carpenter.
A comedic tale set in the garden of the Thoms' family house, on a summer's day. A group of boys playing in the garden get into trouble with a pernickety neighbour but later redeem themselves by spott...
Mr. Anestis, an old coachman, doesn’t want to change professions, even though cars now rule the road. He lives together with an orphan girl, Annoula, who was the beloved of a boy named Nikos, who ha...
A documentary, narrated and directed by Sean Connery, on the turbulent industrial relations of the workforce of Fairfield's shipyard on the Clyde during the mid 1960s.
An impressionistic account of the attractions that Aberdeen and Deeside offer the summer visitor.
TV documentary about Chinese families living and working in Glasgow and Edinburgh, the problems they face in terms of housing, education, work and community relations, and the provisions in place to a...
Television documentary from the mid 1960s about the redevelopment of Dundee: new houses, destruction of slums, the building of the Tay Road Bridge, growth of shops and industry.
Japan Desk Scotland’s third documentary about the Fukushima nuclear accident in 2011, looking at the aftermath in the area around Okuma Town, the remaining effects of radioactive contamination, and ...
In 1968 Irmin Schmidt and Holger Czukay founded the band Can in Cologne, which cultivated an avant-garde style somewhere between free jazz and funk, krautrock and psychedelic rock, and also experiment...
Dokumentarischer Film-Essay, der sich aus unterschiedlichen Perspektiven der Frage nähert, wie die Zukunft der Menschheit aussehen könnte. Dabei geht es nicht zuletzt um die Frage, welche Hoffnungen...
Dokumentarfilm über die zeitgenössische Punk-Musik-Szene, die sich in verschiedensten Teilen der Welt noch immer einer großen Lebendigkeit erfreut. Dabei porträtiert der Film Menschen, für d...
The American Committee's health department brings the medical authorities' and parliamentary circles' attention to the state of children's public health in the disaster-stricken Aisne region. Seventee...
Nach einer Umweltkatastrophe breitet sich der (fiktive) bolivianische Salzsee Diablo Blanco immer weiter aus und bedroht die Lebensräume von Menschen und Tieren. Im Auftrag der Vereinten Nationen sol...
Tre velbjergede New Yorker-ungkarle får deres uforpligtende, sorgløse tilværelse sat i relief, da de pludselig får ansvaret for en 5 måneder gammel pige.
Georgia Nicolson er en ganske almindelig teenager fra Eastbourne. Det vil sige, at hun er voksen, men voksne ser hende som et barn. At hun har ubegribeligt pinlige forældre, som oven i købet kan fin...
Filmen skildrer tre forskellige perioder og tre forskellige miljøer. En handler om, hvordan det var for drengen Joshua at vokse op i Montreal før krigen i et hjem, hvor faderen slog sig igennem ved ...
Om Amerikas svar på Den afskyelige Snemand, et 2 1/2 meter højt væsen ved navn Bigfoot. Familien Henderson er så uheldige at påkøre Bigfoot og tager ham med hjem i parcelhuset som bliver sat på...
En amerikansk videnskabsmand rejser til Haiti for at undersøge en oplysning om at man her fremstiller en gift, der kan gøre mennesker til zombier. Hans arbejde trues af politiet og en konfrontation ...
Om to mænd og deres problemer med at klare både hinanden og verden omkring dem, hvor alt og alle tilsyneladende vil gøre livet surt for dem.