The intimate story of a family from Iraq who left their home and came to live in Scotland five years ago.
The American Committee's health department brings the medical authorities' and parliamentary circles' attention to the state of children's public health in the disaster-stricken Aisne region. Seventee...
Surrealistic view of the "Honeymoon couple", interrupted by salesmen, consumer goods, jealousy, anger and infidelity. [Award winner in the 1957 Scottish Amateur Film Festival.]
An experimental film in the form of a riddle by artist Gillian Steel.
Presentation of Brussels by the puppets Toone and Woltje.
A camel train approaches and enters the city. A panorama of the city taken from the sea. Tiffin (compressed camel or horse fodder) being unloaded from ships lying out to sea by surf boats. The men wor...
In a decayed Scottish fishing village, an outcast boy strikes up a friendship with a fisherman who believes himself to be Zorba.
A Royal Engineers sergeant shows how to load two carrier pigeons into a small wicker basket for transport. At the Rosyth seaplane base Felixstowe F2A flying boats and Short 184 seaplanes ride at ancho...
Verdun - Ravin des vignes (Département Meuse, Lorraine)
Tunnel - Mont Casque (Bataille des Monts, Département Meuse, Champagne)
4312 - Verdun - Voie sacrée (Zone rouge, Département Meuse, Lorraine)
Attaque de Belloy-en-Santerre - 11 Juin 1918 (Département Somme, Picardie)
Mitrailleuse dans l'Aisne
Infanterie traversant l'Ailette pour attaquer (Département Aisne, Picardie)
Allemands se rendant á Vauxaillon (Département Aisne, Picardie)
22861 - Monceau de décombres
Et advokatfirma vil gøre alt for at imponere en klient og hyrer en konsulent, der kan udforme en flot powerpointpræsentation.
Et æsel spærrer vejen. FN-soldater og lokale mødes. Ingen forstår hinanden, og den simple forhindring forvandler sig hurtigt til en konflikt af babelske dimensioner. Den korteste vej mellem mennes...
Kort melodrama: De Chinees Sang Lee ontfermt zich over een blank kind (Jack). Twintig jaar later verdedigt Jack, als prominent advocaat, zijn ten onrechte beschuldigde pleegvader in de rechtbank.
Wanneer de inmiddels rijke Jack zijn vroegere geliefde per toeval op het witte doek ziet, gaat meteen op zoek naar haar.
Amateur footage of a stage play or musical performed in Paisley by members of the Townswomen's Guild.