The changing forces in the traditional borderland; in the fishing and textile industries, farming, forestry and housing.
Dr Honeyman describing his purchase of the Burrell Collection and Dali's "Crucifixion". With shots of the Art Gallery, Glasgow University and the collection in storage. Dr Honeyman and the Civic Amen...
A look at life in Harris including its fishing industry and the making of Harris tweed.
The story of a group of people trying to survive after an atomic war, by sacrificing to their Gods.
An amateur film made about amateur film-makers. A new member is introduced to the work of the Aberdeen and District Cine Club.
Street scenes in Bethlehem, the Church of Saint Mary, the Gardens of Gethsemane, the Via Dolorosa, the Holy Sepulchre, the Valley of Kidron and (in silhouette) a tree where, according to legend, Judas...
A film interpretation of the poem 'The Leaden Echo and the Golden Echo' by Gerard Manley Hopkins. Margaret Tait reads the poem throughout the film.
As producer, actor and filmmaker, Richard Massingham managed to combine his passion for film and medical science.
I 1885 får William Cody - bedre kendt som Buffalo Bill - den strålende idé at bruge sit berømte navn i showbusiness. Han skaber et stort vild-vest-cirkus og cementerer sit flotte ry som præriehel...
Presentation of Brussels by the puppets Toone and Woltje.
I Sydafrika berører religion alle dele af samfundet. Med tusinder af mennesker, der dør af aids, er religionerne i dag konfronteret med en virkelighed, som rækker ud over deres verdenssyn. Filmen g...
Dokumentarfilm. En skildring af grønlandske sæljægere
Irland og USA i slutningen af det 19. århundrede. To unge mennesker, han fattig og hun rig, er begge besat af drømmen om det forjættede land, Amerika. Efter mange trængsler, kan de sammen starte e...
Lloyd og Harry er ufatteligt dumme, men samtidig meget initiativrige. I deres ærlige iver for at aflevere en mappe til en dame, som de tror har glemt den, efterstræbes de snart af såvel gangstere s...
Borgerne i den lille by Hyland i New England er rystede, da en ung pige bliver brutalt myrdet og efterladt i sneen. Og for Carolyn og Ben Ryan er det en katastrofe. Den myrdede pige var deres søn Jac...