Algiers solemnly welcomed the bodies of 135 Algerian fighters who fell in the battles of Italy, France and Germany during the WWII.
Report on the construction of the future "Palais des festivals" which will host the ceremonies and screenings of the next Cannes International Film Festival.
The trial of Marshal Pétain for high treason lasts four weeks in July and August 1945. The last days of the trial: the witnesses, the closing speech of the prosecutor, the pleadings of the lawyers, t...
A critical propagandistic documentary compiled of archival footages depicting crimes of Germans on the Czech land, including intertitles counting how many war crimes were committed by Nazis and maps r...
Millions of Europeans, refugees and deportees, return to their homeland. The film shows the Americans' organized transfer of displaced persons, as well as the arrival in the Soviet zone of hundreds of...
A documentary film drawing attention to the dangers of pickpockets in public places - at a fair, in a cinema and on a tram. It uses reenactment, but pretends to be a hidden camera that observes what i...
Based on ancient medicine's belief that a good life depends on good health, the film attempts to take stock of the state of health in post-war Europe and the successes that have been achieved in disea...
The black-and-white film by Ernst Hirsch from 1959 was a commissioned production for the GDR's Deutsche Fernsehfunk. It shows the path that the art treasures, e.g. of the Green Vault and the Picture G...
The film is preceded by the following message in the opening credits: "This is a translated version of a film produced under the supervision of the Information Control Division, Office of Military Gov...
An insight into a social life taking place in public cafeterias told from a perspective of a journalist-director. It presents the venue of public cafeteria in contrast to a luxurious restaurant. It de...
At the start of the new school year, report on the construction of new schools and on the installation of temporary classrooms in prefabricated barracks to face the increase in the number of children.
The basement of the Parisian suburbs is riddled with quarries and vaults due to the construction of the metro. An entire district of Nanterre collapsed after a landslide due to the erosion of the subs...
Documentary film with fictional elements. The subject of the film is the economic and social reconstruction achievements of the state of Lower Saxony from 1946 to 1950. These are illustrated primarily...
The episode shows how cinema is used in SNCF's technical research. The tests are filmed and studied by the technicians, who can thus make the necessary modifications during the construction, for an op...
The documentary black-and-white footage by filmmaker Ernst Hirsch dates from 1963 and shows final work on the Zwinger, which was destroyed in the air raids on Dresden in 1945 and then rebuilt, as well...
Report on the "Fines" operation which consists in fining everyone who is caught red-handed 900 francs, whether they are pedestrians or motorists. A competition to find the best policeman and the best ...
Carsten, a 50-year-old, married high-school teacher, is having an affair with Pil, a much younger woman, who is politically active. Carsten's wife, Nina, wants a divorce. Pil is involved in a politica...
Erin Gruwell ankommer til Wilson High School med de højeste idealer. Hun vil gerne gøre en forskel, især for de børn, der kommer fra de fattige kvarterer, med problemer i familien. De mere erfarne...
IJzer-Journaal (SCAB). In de loop van 1915 werd er werk gemaakt van een gecoördineerd filmbeleid in het leger: de Service Cinématographique de l' Armee Belge (SCAB) kwam tot stand in De Panne, in ...
Film sur l'usine Ford Motor à Anvers. Le film commence par un carton d'introduction qui indique qu'Anvers est le 4e port mondial et qui donné le nombre de bateaux arrivés en 1937 et en 1948. On vo...
Reportage over Leopoldville, hoofdstad van voormalig Belgisch Congo. De beeldreportage wordt ingeleid met beelden van Leopoldville en de bedrijvigheid die in de stad heerst. Vervolgens wordt het ges...
In het weekend van 7 en 8 december 1946 vonden in Brussel manifestaties van L.O.M.O. plaats. De afkorting wordt niet verklaard, het gaat blijkbaar om een vereniging van verzetslui uit het middelbaar o...