Views from the city-center/old town in Marseille just after WWII.
The long and bitter strike of the French miners in November and December 1948. After an overview of the harshness of the profession, this agitation film describes the beginning of the strike, its prog...
This film presents at least two distinct settings: on the one hand, the film reports on the progress of a construction site near Caen. From the foundations of the buildings to the roofs, the different...
On the occasion of the campaign of Jean Cristofol, outgoing mayor and Communist candidate in the municipal elections of October 1947 in Marseille, a laudatory presentation of the results of his mandat...
Il discorso di Scelba: " L'Italia assume l'amministrazione della città di Trieste e della zona sino ad oggi affidata al governo militare alleato. Dopo dieci anni la bandiera della Patria torna a sven...
Impressions from one or more trips through Europe in the late 1940s (1947?), visiting many cities and countries. Despite visible war damage, the first part appears as a classic tourist film with short...
1 - Campania
2 - una lunga e corposa fumata bianca oscura il cielo
3 - lancio di lapilli e colata di lava
4 - il cratere del Vesuvio spento, tenui fumate
5 - operai nel cantiere ri...