Eigentlich wollte Paul einen Film über die Flucht seines Großvaters und dessen jüdischer Frau vor den Nazis im Jahr 1939 nach Kuba drehen. Doch das Geld reicht nicht, und so entscheidet er sich, st...
Unidentified German film containing footage from WWI: RAF double decker "Mauritius III", the crew of a German submarine on deck, German and British waterplanes, German soldiers with gas masks ...
Das Drama thematisiert an einem Beispiel das Schicksal unzähliger afrikanischer Migranten, die versuchen, per Boot nach Europa zu gelangen: 30 Männer aus unterschiedlichen Gebieten von Senegal start...
"A love story, not only, it probably revolves around passion, but also around dear money." - (Lovers); "In 1950, 340 - 350,000 apartments were completed, in them can accommodate 1.5 million residents,...
Spot Nr. 1 (00:34): POLAR Rum 68/1: A person dressed in fur jacket in snow flurry. „Winter time, polar time, grog time - time for Polar.“ The person is serving grog with Polar Rum. A elegantly dre...
Spot Nr. 1 (00:36): NSU (Nr. 1 Beschleunigung in der Stadt): Drawing: cars waiting at traffic lights. „The traffic light fascinates the masses. We wait quietly and calmly. And whizzed away at the gr...
"Alle in einem Boot" (2019)
Hassan Kello, Ramin Yazdani, Thilo Prothmann, Rasmus Max Wirth, Daniel Zimmermann (front, left to right) in "Alle in einem Boot" (2019)
Stephanie Marin in "Alle in einem Boot" (2019)
Meral Perin in "Alle in einem Boot" (2019)
Thilo Prothmann (left), Kathleen Gallego Zapata (second from left), Christof Düro (third from left), Stephanie Marin (fourth from left), Rasmus Max Wirth (third from right) in "Alle in einem Boot" (2...
Ramin Yazdani (fourth from left), Daniel Zimmermann (fifht from left), Hassan Kello (sixth from left), Stephanie Marin (seventh from left), Thilo Prothmann (fifth from right), Kathleen Gallego Zapata ...
German movie poster of "Alle in einem Boot" (2019)