A tenant (Ntinos Iliopoulos) residing on 288 Stournara Street narrates the ordinary stories of the people who live in the building. We learn about their life in the big city, their problems, amusing i...
Mary (Aliki Vougiouklaki) is a poor but very pretty girl, also known as “the punching-bag” as she has no one to help or support her. She can’t seem to stay in any single job for very long becaus...
Eight wild girls, who cannot stand the cruel conditions of their reform school, escape hidden in a hearse – carrying the body of a fellow prisoner who had died – and then flee to a desert island. ...
Mountainous Epirus, year of our Lord 1949, soon after the defeat of ELAS (Greek People’s Liberation Army) in Grammos and Vitsi. The local police chief arrests Vasiliki because she brought food to he...