In einer langen Rückblende erinnert sich der Schriftsteller Andreas an seine große Jugendliebe. Als Austauschstudent reiste er damals mit dem Schiff nach Budapest, wo er sich in Greta, eine junge Se...
The video shows the first five minutes of the film. Film synopsis: Sequel to "Das Wirtshaus im Spessart" ("The Spessart Inn"): As a punishment, the gang of robbers from the previous film is walled int...
A sentimental love film based on the novella by Binding: Two people who are mourning a lost love drive along the Moselle. The widow Angela Schäfer and her little son Kaspar visit places that remind t...
The video shows the first five minutes of the film. Film synopsis: The little salaried worker Otto Groschenbügel, or Quax, wins free training as a sport pilot in a contest; over night, he gains fame ...
The video shows the first five minutes of the film.
"Ich denke oft an Piroschka" was digitized by DFF – Deutsches Filminstitut & Filmmuseum as part of the film heritage funding program "Förder...
Incomplet. The film follows the arrival in Lisbon of a UFA delegation to shoot some of the scenes of Estupefacientes/Der Weisse Damon (Kurt Gerron, 1932) and its french version (Stupéfiants).
A comedy about deceiving and being deceived. Lena, a dancer, sets off for a a fashionable bathing resort after winning a large sum of money. There she meets the penniless painter Gustaaf. Both of them...
"Wofür habt ihr gekämpft?" Diese Frage lässt den 96-jährigen Österreicher Gerhard Hoffmann sehr nachdenklich werden: "Also, das lässt sich in wenigen Worten nicht sagen." – "NO PASARAN" macht ...
Kurt Hoffmann while shooting
Kurt Hoffmann while shooting "Das Spukschloß im Spessart" (1960)
Liselotte Pulver, Kurt Hoffmann ("Das Spukschloss im Spessart", 1960)
Kurt Hoffmann
Kurt Hoffmann (left) while shooting
Kurt Hoffmann
Kurt Hoffmann (front) while shooting
Kurt Hoffmann