Prince Algabert, upholding the traditions of his forefathers, wages a ceaseless feud against the house of Rodembourg, whose reigning lord has one daughter, Elisabeth. One day, the Princess Elisabeth i...
Nachdem der junge Octave Zeuge der Untreue seiner großen Liebe Elise wird, nimmt sein Leben eine dramatische Wende. Seine Enttäuschung und Verbitterung schlägt in Hochmut um, und der einst so beson...
The story is set in the early part of the 20th Century. The protagonist, Hanne-Liebe, leaves her home town to escape from the anti-Semitic harassment of the local community. She sets out to live in St...
Die hoffnungslose Romantikerin Kerstin glaubt fest an die große Liebe und wartet seit Monaten darauf, dass ihr Exfreund Thomas zu ihr zurückkehrt. Um sich die Zeit zu vertreiben, flüchtet sie sich ...
"Liebe Angst" (2022)
Lilli Meinhardt in "Liebe mich! (2013/14)
Paul Hörbiger, Margot Hielscher
Hertha Feiler, Ilse Stobrawa, Rolf Weih, Helmut Weiss (v.l.n.r.)
Georg Tressler, Horst Buchholz (left to right) while shooting "Endstation Liebe" (1958)
"Liebe Angst" (2022)
Horst Buchholz, Barbara Frey in "Endstation Liebe" (1958)
Helga Goetze, Rosa von Praunheim (Dreharbeiten)
The film was permitted to young people under 16 years.
There was not any kind of restriction noted.
There was not any kind of restriction noted.
There was not any kind of restriction noted.
The film "Liebe und Wahnsinn" was banned by the censorship office in Berlin.
The film was permitted to young people under 16 years.
There was no kind of restriction noted.