Two young people, Pavlos and Marina (Christos Negkas and Miranta Kounelaki) each set off separately from an old arcade with small shops, filled with dreams on improving their lives. Fate, however, pre...
A rich young man, Tony Danalis, is in love with poor Lena and wants to become a writer. His first book is based on the confessions of an unfortunate mother, Rita, who has been looking for her child fo...
A poor boy grows up with the help of people in his Athenian neighborhood and goes on to study medicine. He falls in love with a girl who moves into the neighborhood. However, the young man marries a w...
A provincial simpleton, Paschalis, who is a guest at the Athenian home of his cousin Manolis, sells to a junk dealer an old armchair in which, however, their grandmother had hidden half a million drac...
A group of sailors with two days on-shore leave go to town to have fun with their friends and girlfriends. They have a great time, but the love affairs that result create problems and misunderstanding...
Zizi Argyrou is a poor young woman who wants to get married to a wealthy man. When she finds out that Bampis, her former lover, has inherited a fortune from his uncle in Australia she decides to pay h...
A little before his father dies, Nikos, being the firstborn son, promises he will help his younger brother Andreas finish his studies. He sacrifices his own dreams as well as the girl he loves, Anna,...
Eight wild girls, who cannot stand the cruel conditions of their reform school, escape hidden in a hearse – carrying the body of a fellow prisoner who had died – and then flee to a desert island. ...