Synopsis Kyriakoulis, an EOKA fighter, is arrested by the British. In order to take revenge, his comrades kidnap David (Kostas Kastanas), son of a British woman (Zorz Sarri) who is friends with the...
Two hunters discover the grave of Krinio, who “was killed because she loved too much”. An old shepherd tells them her story. Many years ago, young Krinio, the daughter of the chief shepherd named ...
Rena Varlamou (Rena Vlachopoulou), an alert and resourceful woman, undertakes to manage the pre-election campaign of her fiancé Periklis Arapis (Stavros Xenidis), a tavern-keeper who has formed a par...
A boy escapes from the reformatory and hides in a young girl’s house. The two kids become friends. When the boy’s parents, who are traveling with the circus, pass by the village where the two kids...
A worker (Giorgos Tzortzis) asks for the hand of the daughter (Eleni Anousaki) of his powerful boss (Lykougros Kallergis) in marriage. His boss dismisses him, but he starts his own business with the h...
Although a simple waiter, Thanasis (Thanasis Vengos), in fact, runs an entire place by himself doing everything without assistance, even things to entertain his customers. On the day of his wedding to...
This is a compilation film consisting of three stories, rendered with a sense of humor, romanticism and tragedy, all of which are supposedly born of the kind of life that forces girls, like the heroin...
A poor medical student, Petros, works as a waiter to make ends meet. So he accepts the enticing proposal of Kostas Fragkopoulos, a well-off customer, to marry his sister Liza with the promise of a “...