Promotional film about prestressed concrete made during the contruction of the National Bank (architect: Marcel Van Goethem).
The visit of Luis Fidel Yanez to Brussels's Commerce Fair at the Cinquantenaire.
Film tracing the route of the North-South connection that runs through Brussels.
A story about a girl who wants to be beautiful. She gets a dress from her mom, but it's not the one she wanted. She tries to tell her mother, but she doesn't listen...
Fabulerende fantasi og musikalitet lyser ud af disse eksperimenterende animationsfilm. Båndet rummer »Ballet Ballade" (12 min): Et par danser sig gennem historien. »The Saints" (4 min): En jazzet m...
Show teatrene - med deres stort opsatte forestillinger med sang og dans - har længe haft deres bedste tid bag sig. Den tidligere danser, Tess, der ejer The Burlesque Lounge, kæmper derfor for at hol...
A short fiction film based on the macabre story by Danish author Willy Sørensen. Two young brothers are playing doctor. A friend of theirs has hurt his leg. In an attempt to prevent blood poisoning, ...
Commercial for the cleaning company Cemstobel.
Rudi Schuricke bei den Dreharbeiten
John Taylor (PlasticsEurope) erklärt die Vorzüge von Plastik
"z.B. Otto Spalt" (1987)
"Die Tarantel" (1919)
Szene mit Reinhold Schünzel (im weißen Mantel)
Friedrich Domin, Albert Lieven (v.l.n.r.)
Edith Posca, Eugen Klöpfer, Frida Richard (v.l.n.r.)
Ilse Stobrawa, Gustl Stark-Gstettenbaur (v.l.n.r.)
Lustspiel nach
(englisch) nach dem
Promotional documentary about the Belgium-Luxembourg steel industry.
A child's visit to the World fair of 1958.
Inauguration by Sabena of the first international flights for transport by helicopter
Filmbiografie über die berühmte Trapp-Familie, die auch dem berühmten Kinomusical "The Sound of Music" ("Meine Lieder, meine Träume", USA 1965) als Vorlage diente.Die Erzählung beginnt in den 192...
Filmbiografie über das Wirken der Philosophin und Reporterin Hannah Arendt. Im Jahr 1933 verlässt die Jüdin ihre deutsche Heimat, geht zunächst nach Frankreich und 1941 nach Amerika. Dort arbeitet...
Fictional film about a wretch who wanders through the countryside. During this trip he brings misofortune to the people around him, causing displeasure. But all he wants is to find his beloved back.