The children of Rosehearty Primary School join with older members of the village to record memories of the village in the early half of the century, illustrated by a varied montage of photographs. Inc...
Family home movies including footage of daily life around Glasgow city centre, the Barras market, the West End and the new Clyde Tunnel.
A camping expedition by an uncle and his nephew, showing the do's and don'ts of the countryside code.
An amateur film compilation around the Borders. Includes footage of a visit to Duns by The Moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland the Rt. Rev Dr. James A. Simpson, a 250th annive...
Amateur cine film featuring days out around the east coast and borders of Scotland in the 1970s. Includes footage of a canal trip on the 'Queen of the Borders', a day at Edinburgh Zoo, train rides a...
A descriptive essay on the city of Edinburgh, and in particular of Edinburgh Castle.
The wedding of Jock Lyon and Lorna Duncan at Greyfriars Church, Dumfries, February 23rd 1928.
Teenagers voice their opinions on stereotypes and the issue of equality.
En high-school klasse i Los Angeles' fattige spansk-talende kvarter, som tilsyneladende er opgivet af alle, og som også selv har svært ved at se nogen fremtid, får en anderledes matematiklærer, de...
Woody Allen stiller skarpt på parforhold i krise. Ægteparret Judy og Gabe får et chok, da deres bedste venner fortæller, at de vil flytte fra hinanden, og de begynder nu at betragte deres eget for...
En ung ejendomsmægler, der er afhængig af kokain, må efter nogle ulovlige transaktioner gøre sig usynlig, og tilfældigt hører han om en klinik for stofmisbrugere, der lover fuld diskretion. Han ...
Da kvinden, June pludselig løber ind i den fremmede verdensmand, Roy Miller, der også viser sig at være mesterspion, forandrer hendes liv sig på en måde hun aldrig havde forestillet sig. June få...
An exploration of St Peter's Seminary, Cardross on the Firth of Clyde.
Film sponsored by Esso following the Scottish Rally of 1976. The rally begins in Ayrshire and takes in the Highlands. Interviews with various drivers at the roadside and after each stage is completed...
Trine Vester: A classic tale of good and evil - a dramaturgic symphony, in which the movements are the source of understanding.
Australian soldiers, probably of 5th Division, at the south end of the Saint Quentin tunnel at Bellicourt. A temporary bridge has been built just below the tunnel entrance. A view, from on top of the ...
01 - Una scuola moderna Sull’inquadratura di un padre che controlla il quaderno del figlio, la voce di commento racconta che molte scuole hanno adottato il metodo Montessori, un approccio peda...
L’educazione alimentare e orientamento dei consumi. Il problema dell’educazione alimentare degli italiani viene affrontato con una campagna propagandistica e un convegno nazionale promossi d...
01 - Cronaca A Roma si svolge una manifestazione di protesta organizzata dalla Democrazia Cristiana contro l’attentato a Bernardo Leighton, ex vicepresidente del Cile ed esponente del partito ...
La favola è ambientata nella Bretagna del 1700. In un tratto di scogliera selvaggia, con il mare perennemente in burrasca, vive Potr, il predatore di relitti. Una notte, mentre vaga di roccia i...
La favola è ambientata in un villaggio della Corsica, nel periodo di Carnevale. Tutti gli abitanti si preparano alla festa e costruiscono le maschere. Ma un'anziana donna è irritata dal clima ...
The communal council of a commune in the Brussels outskirts discusses plans for the construction of a new city.
Musical fantasy about "Danse Macabre" by Camille Saint-Saëns. (Orchestra of the Conservatory of Paris, directed by René Leibowitz). Experimental film with a series of images that want to convey a sy...
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