Documentary film with fictional elements. The subject of the film is the economic and social reconstruction achievements of the state of Lower Saxony from 1946 to 1950. These are illustrated primarily...
Film věnovaný čsl. legionářům v 1. světové válce začíná symbolickými záběry ilustrujícími vypuknutí válečného konfliktu - nápis Sarajevo, animovaná mapa Evropy v plamenech a det...
Chang's Army of Fengtien, with Russian assistance, advances down the coast of the Gulf of Chihli, the territory of the warlord Wu Pei-Fu of Peking. Most of the battle sequences are clearly reconstruct...
The film starts coherently, but degenerates progressively into pullbacks and misplaced scenes until the later reels are not always comprehensible. There is virtually no actuality material, all the poi...
A film about Skandinaviska Filmcentralen, a film company started by Lars Björck in 1915, later incorporated into Svensk Filmindustri following bankruptcy in 1922. A group of men and women of differe...
A visual travel diary on the expedition led by Brondeel in 1934. This expedition to Belgian Congo, by truck, became a testimony to the social conditions of Africans during the colonial era.
War-time report, probably broadcasted in November 1919.
Popular comedy / satire on the heroïc Belgian culture of war.
Popular comedy / satire on the heroïc Belgian culture of war.
Detail dospělého Bártova syna
Detail dospělého Jandova syna
detail jedné z malovaných kulis
Detail kováře Jandy v profilu.
detail sousoší v dolní části pomníku
Detail from "Connections", 1969 ("Eva Hesse", 2012-16)
Velký detail pánských náramkových hodinek, které ukazují devět hodin - čas, kdy měla 2. července 1917 vypuknout bitva u Zborova.
Detail kováře Jandy a jeho ženy před odjezdem na frontu.
WARSTATT, Willi Dr.: "Das künstlerische Problem in der Photographie und in der Kinematographie". In: Bild & Film. Zeitschrift für Lichtbilderei und Kinematographie, Jg. 1913/1914, Nr. III, 1, S.7-10...