Verfilmung des Theaterstücks von Rob Becker. Als Autoverkäufer ist Rob eine echte Niete, aber seine wahre Bestimmung sieht er ohnehin woanders: Seit Kindertagen träumt er davon, als Comedian Karrie...
Deutschland in den 1960er Jahren. Dem jungen Künstler Kurt Barnert gelingt die Flucht aus der DDR nach Westdeutschland. Aber auch dort wird er von den Kindheits- und Jugenderinnerungen an seine traum...
Der fünfzehnjährige Donald leidet an einer unheilbaren Krankheit und weiß, dass er nicht mehr lange zu leben hat. Einen Ausweg aus dieser tristen Realität findet der Junge über seine selbst gezei...
Basierend auf der populären Mädchenbuchreihe "Freche Mädchen – freche Bücher!" erzählt "Freche Mädchen" von den Teenagerinnen Mila, Hanna und Kati. Die drei sind beste ...
The film has no plot or continuity. Almost all the first reel comes directly from IWM 236 A BOMBING TRIP OVER THE ENEMY LINES, showing Australian aircraft, and IWM 28 WITH THE AUSTRALIAN FORCES IN PAL...
We follow the ship Braganza from the harbour of Tromsø to the Svalbard archipelago. The Svalbard Treaty or the Spitsbergen Treaty from 1920 recognises the sovereignty of Norway over the Arctic archip...
At Castle "De Werve", debt-ridden Colonel von Zwenken's daughter and her husband John Mordaunt await the birth of a child. Mordaunt's aunt has promised that if it is a son named after her late husband...
(Reel 1) The full map shows Europe from Dover east to Frankfurt, and Antwerp south to Orléans. In various stages the map shows the five main phase lines of the war: the furthest German advance of 191...
The little Agenore (Ferdinande Guillaume) combines a lot of trouble to family friend Ilario Mentecatti (Natale Guillaume).
The city of Seville and its surroundings in 1914: the cathedral, the Guadalquivir river, the bullring...etc.
Based on an English fairy tale in which poverty forces Jack to sell their cow, but in exchange gets beans instead of money. Eventually he uses the magic beans to wind up in the castle of the giant.
An honour guard of Infantry marches into position beside the dock, past Roberts' ship, the SS Dunnottar Castle. Roberts, in Field Marshal's dress blue uniform, comes down the gangplank, followed by hi...
Five reels of stockshots of the Western Front, with no apparent theme or linking sequence. The majority of the material for all but the final reel comes from IWM 191 BATTLE OF THE SOMME. The majority ...
Emperor Wilhelm II and empress Victoria of Germany on horses, escorted by horsemen, on their way to a parade at the Tempelhoferfeld in Berlin.
Shots of London's famous buildings during the First World War.