Documentation of the celebration of the laying of the foundation stone for a "Taunus recreation home" in Oberjosbach, Hesse, on May 21, 1914, showing the celebrating crowd consisting of festively dres...
In Paris in 1917, cavalrymen march in the streets, a family follows a loved one's casket, Parisians bury Mr. Liard, and a soldier stands in front of a home.
Si tratta di un interessante frammento filmico di incerta provenienza, privo di titoli e di didascalie, appartenente ai primordi del cinema muto, riguardante la città di Torino trasformata per accogl...
1 - Il re, accompagnato da generali, nel campo di aviazione della Caproni
2 - un uomo con baffi scuri, forse Gianni Caproni, accompagna il re nella sua visita alle officine
3 - Il re, con i...
Documentation of the model flight competition in Frankfurt am Main, probably the event organized by the Frankfurter Flugmodell-Verein (at that time the presiding club of the Verband deutscher Modellfl...
The jumbled film consists of unrelated, very brief items. Some of these appear in other films but the majority are probably unique.
Mixed and confused material, some of it unique, of the Western ...
At the very beginning of the World War I, Filip, a Serb and the principal of a gymnasium in a small Serbian town, is summoned urgently to Belgrade to serve in the war effort. He has no one to leave hi...
The life of Christ. The film is divided into three parts called "Mysteries." The first: birth and infancy of Jesus until the journey into Egypt. The second: public life of Jesus up to the triumphal en...
Documentary about gold extraction methods in the Aruwimi River area. All the various stages are illustrated. Rivers and rocks are first explored and then drilled. Once raw materials are sorted accordi...
An unidentified (and unfortunately incomplete) exotic melodrama, tends towards De Mille's The Cheat. Considered by specialists as a German film.
An unidentified news report about various aspects of the First World War. Great emphasis is being placed on the British Army and the recruitment of soldiers.
Animation film by Dusan Vukotic, one of the major Croatian animators and co-founder of Zagreb Film. A charming story about an old magician and all sorts of magic creatures that end up in the world of ...
Ralph and Edith Norton, two Protestant missionaries from Philadelphia, came to Britain for a period of three years to provide assistance to refugees and wounded Belgian soldiers from the war zone. Mon...
Short reportage about seaplanes, stationed on an aircraft carrier. On the ship the seaplanes are repaired and getting ready. The seaplane is being lifted on board and takes off. Subsequently aerial sh...
Reportage about Austrian war ships and submarines. Images of life on board of the ship 'Tegetthof', navigation (with log and sextant), signals with flags, a torpedo boat flottilla at full speed and t...
Presentation of the activities of Winter Aid in Belgium. Winter Aid was the national-socialist organisation that took over all social assistance works, as they were exercised by government and church,...
Ein Drama aus dem Leben des größte Hochstaplers aller Zeiten, mit Reinhold Schünzel, Anita Berber, Hanni Weisse, Hilde Wörner, Conrad Veidt und Karl Götz. (Regie R. Schünzel). Der Film ze...
Volksdrama mit Charles Wilken. (Regie Holger-Madzen.) Steinklopfer Andreas stahl ein Pferd seines Gutsherrn um durch Erlös seiner kranken Frau die nötige Pflege zu verschaffen, wurde aber bei...
Mysteriöses Schauspiel nach dem Roman von Heinz Ewers. Der Alraune-Wurzel werden im Volksmunde ihrer bizzaren Gestalt wegen übernatürliche Kräfte zugeschrieben. Aus diesem Grunde verschafft...
Spielfilm nach dem Roman von Richard Skowronnek mit Lotte Neumann. Als Baron v. Linde, der Majoratsherr von Gross-Lipinsken starb, erbte dessen älterste Tochter Elsbeth das Gut, doch ihr Vette...
Phantastisches Schauspiel mit Karl Götz, Vilma v. Aknay und Hermann Romberg (Regie L. Stein.) Hella, die Tochter des Notars Möller liebt den Konzipienten ihres Vaters Dr. Braun. Als dies der ...
Spionagedrama Helene, die Frau des Munitionsfabrikanten Cäsar Borghese, schickte, während ihr Mann verreist war, ihre Tochter Nuccia auf einen Ball, um mit ihren Hausfreund, Dr. Raul, allein ...
Phantastische Komödie mit Henny Porten. (Regie Biberach.) Die Probiermamsell hat nur den einen Wunsch, den herrlichen Hermelinmantel, den sie stets den Kunden zeigen muß, als ihr Eigentum zu ...
Phantastisches Drama mit Harry Walden in einer Doppelrolle. (Regie C. Wilne.) Der junge Baron Bodo v. Nordberg war ein Lebemann, der sich mit seinen Freunden beredete, Maria, die Braut des Scha...