Newsreel item showing British soldiers eating bread and jam "with proverbial coolness," Western Front, May 1918.
A German officer addresses his men in a dugout. They emerge from the dugout and man their trench against an Australian attack. The Australians storm the trench and throw grenades down into the dugouts...
Newsreel item on the building of a giant billboard poster in Trafalgar Square, London, February 1918.
Newsreel item on snow conditions in Flanders, showing the cameraman's car stuck in a snowdrift, and soldiers having a snowball fight, Western Front, January 1918.
I. Newsreel item on a long mule train, with Indian Army drivers, in the deserts of Palestine, late 1917.II. Brief newsreel item on a long line of limbers and GS wagons making their way forward down a ...
Newsreel item on Lloyd George receiving the freedom of the city of Edinburgh, May 1918.
The film reconstructs the repulse of a German column charge by British rifle and field artillery fire in the centre of the battlefield, and then the defence of Nimy bridge on the left by 4th Royal Fus...
(Reel 1) Off the British coast, U-boat 32 attacks merchant ships. The German captain, Stackmeyer, is saluted by his Admiral, who warns that the blockade of Britain will be tightened; later, the U-boat...
Film poster
Still with Lyda Salmonova, Paul Wegener (third on the left)
Paul Hartmann, Henny Porten
"Der Golem, wie er in die Welt kam" (1920)
Still from "Der Diamantensucher"
Screenshot from "Hindenburgs 70. Geburtstag im Großen Hauptquartier"
Still from "Des Malers Bettelweib"
Still from "Störe nicht die Flitterwochen"
Plukovník Švec [rukopis] : bakalářská práce / David Švec. -- [Brno] : Masarykova univerzita, 2002. -- 50 [6] s. -- Filozofická fakulta Masarykovy univerzity, Ústav hudební vědy - PC tisk, ...
Skizzen aus dem Kriegshofquartier / von Maler Ludwig Koch. -- Wien : Verlag von L. W. Seidel, [1914]. -- [46] l. : il. Soubor studií a skic rakouského malíře Ludwiga Kocha, které vytvořil za 1. ...
Unser Programm 1915/1916 : eine Vorschau von Novitäten für die neue Saison / herausgegeben von der Allgem. Kinematographen und Films-Gesellschaft Phillipp & Pressburger. -- Budapest ; Lemberg : Allg...
President Masaryk : k jubileu sedmdesátých narozenin. -- v Praze : Tiskový odbor předsednictva ministerské rady, 1920. -- x s., 57 l. obr. pří. : il., portréty. -- Seznam vyobrazení. Obrazov...