The film narrates the funny incidents in a day in the life of a Greek employee (Petros Zarkadis) during his day-off. The petty vanity of actions and behaviors, the irrationality and the chaotic bureau...
Wandering around Athens by night. A grandiose parade of singers, composers, orchestras, shows and, in general, artists of night playing themselves, in a series of entertaining acts written by major hu...
A gifted electrician, Michalis Karamanos works for TOE - Greek Telecommunications Organization and it seems that he is the only one who hasn’t been completely absorbed by the corrupt and all-devouri...
Clumsy secret agent Thou-Vou graduates at last, but due to a general recession in the trade, he is forced to open a mobile secret agent’s enterprise together with his colleague, MAP31. Their first c...
A journalist (Grigoris Patrikareas) is conducting an investigation regarding the refugees in Northern Greece and the immigrants who are detained at the border. He meets a man (Marcello Mastroianni) wh...