Documentary about the Resistance during both world wars.
Documentary on the mechanised production of chocolate.
Documentary about the issues that are plaguing the education for disabled students.
Documentary about the issues that are plaguing the education for disabled students.
Documentary on Franco's troops entering Barcelona, which provides glimpses of the impact the war has had on the city (such as ships sunk in the harbour). It includes footage of a few of the events sta...
L'oeuvre scientifique de Joseph Plateau (1801-1883). Le film commence par un portrait de Joseph Plateau, qui fut l'élève de Quetelet. Dans sa jeunesse, il dessine (bataille de Waterloo, Spa). Lectur...
Promotionele documentaire over de witloofteelt in de streek rond Brussel. In deze film voor witloof wordt aanvankelijk het hele kweekproces besproken. Zaaien, wieden, uitdunnen, oogsten en dan het pla...
Film on the diversity of habitations in Belgium in the fifties.
Unfinished film of camera shots made during a children's trip to the seaside. Most of these children are orphans whose parents died during World War Two.
Unfinished film of camera shots made duri...
O.Th. Stein, Ausländerei im Film, Film und Lichtbild, 4, (1914), S. 50-52. Der Artikel beklagt die herausragende Stellung französischer Firmen, auch bei der Erstellung von Aufnahmen, die deutsche Na...
Daily production report No. 50, 31 May 1964 on the shooting of "Der Schut".
"Hu-hu ! Wir schröcklich ! (mit'n „ö“)", Der Kinematograph, 490, (1916), S. 20(?). Entgegnung auf die Behauptungen des Abgeordneten Werner-Giessen, die Flut an Krimis in den Kinos schade der Mor...
Letter from CCC to Abdal-Asita, 04 November 1959 regarding the loan of snakes for the shooting of "Herrin der Welt".
French screenplay (excerpt) of "Die Spaziergängerin von Sans Souci".
Internal correspondence on a new title of "Das verbotene Paradies".