A rich young man (Nikos Kourkoulos), who is the son of an aristocratic family, falls in love with an orphan girl (Kakia Analyti). His family does not approve of their affair, but he insists and manage...
The film was shot in Constantinople by the director of the National Turkish Theater, Ertugrul Muhsin Bey with a script by Grigorios Xenopoulos, based on his novel by the same name. It was shown as on...
A poor couple (Petros Fysoun and Martha Vourtsi) is having a hard time making ends meet. In his desire to earn a lot of money fast, the young man is ensnared by a man of the underworld (Dionysis Papag...
Set in 6th century Byzantium, when the Emperor Michael II calls for an assembly to choose a wife for Regent Theofilos, who is charmed by the nineteen-year-old princess Kassiani. In the end, he chooses...
Kimon, an authoritarian entrepreneur, does not allow his young son, Minas, to have anything whatsoever to do with his activities as he considers him irresponsible and a good-for-nothing lazybones. Min...
A large group of people, with different idiosyncrasies, travel from Piraeus to New York on the ocean liner “Olympia”. During the voyage they get to know each other, experience entertaining moments...
An honest man (Kostas Kakkavas) hands over a bag full of money to its owner (Christos Tsaganeas) despite his great financial need.
Thymios Boukouras (Kostas Chatzichristos) leaves his village, Vlachokerasia, his wife and two kids, and with two baskets of food and a couple of chicken in hand comes to Athens to find work. At the tr...
The greatest part of the poster is taken up by a black-and-white photograph of a scene from the film, depicting the leading actors in the yard of a house: Vasilis Logothetidis, Nitsa Tsaganea, Lavrent...