Algiers solemnly welcomed the bodies of 135 Algerian fighters who fell in the battles of Italy, France and Germany during the WWII.
Report on the construction of the future "Palais des festivals" which will host the ceremonies and screenings of the next Cannes International Film Festival.
The trial of Marshal Pétain for high treason lasts four weeks in July and August 1945. The last days of the trial: the witnesses, the closing speech of the prosecutor, the pleadings of the lawyers, t...
At the start of the new school year, report on the construction of new schools and on the installation of temporary classrooms in prefabricated barracks to face the increase in the number of children.
Dokumentární film upozorňující na nebezpečí kapesních zlodějů na veřejných prostranstvích – na pouti, v kině i v tramvaji. Využívá postupy inscenace, ale předstírá, že je skryto...
The black-and-white film by Ernst Hirsch from 1959 was a commissioned production for the GDR's Deutsche Fernsehfunk. It shows the path that the art treasures, e.g. of the Green Vault and the Picture G...
The black-and-white film "Putti" is a collaborative work of the so-called amateur film studio of the Kulturbund Dresden from 1952, in which Ernst Hirsch acted as cameraman and the later DEFA director ...
The city of Dresden was bombed by the Allies during the night of the 13th to the 14th of February 1945. Canadian army captures Kleve on February 26th.
Reconstruction of the German economy with the help of American loans through the Marshall Plan: 18 flags of the nations involved in the European reconstruction program. Machine construction, building ...
The basement of the Parisian suburbs is riddled with quarries and vaults due to the construction of the metro. An entire district of Nanterre collapsed after a landslide due to the erosion of the subs...
The episode shows how cinema is used in SNCF's technical research. The tests are filmed and studied by the technicians, who can thus make the necessary modifications during the construction, for an op...
The documentary black-and-white footage by filmmaker Ernst Hirsch dates from 1963 and shows final work on the Zwinger, which was destroyed in the air raids on Dresden in 1945 and then rebuilt, as well...
Countless simultaneous interpreters work in the European Council in Strasbourg. Among the 'language jugglers' small intrigues, quarrels and comedies take place. A film in the Strength for the Free Wor...
The little story of Koula the mule and his friend, a Greek farm boy, was well received outside Greece in Western Europe. The film commentary was translated into nine languages. With the help of mules ...
The film tells of incredible adventures in the commentary. But its images explore the gleaming machinery of a factory, full of the latest new technology, with which milk from all over France is turned...
Amatérský film přibližuje průběh voleb do Národního shromáždění mezi zaměstnanci Stalinových závodů v Litvínově. Film dokumentuje vyhlášení voleb, setkání funkcionářů s děln...
Speakers pledge rehabilitation of displaced persons and refugees undergo training at Zettlitz farm.
0 Titles / 43 MV memorial and people passing by / 50 Refugees at Camp Feldafing / 70 Refugees i...
Inscenovaný film představuje redakci filmového týdeníku, která má za úkol vyhledávat vhodné typy lidí, na jejichž příkladu je možné ukázat negativní společenské jevy. Prověřují ...
A general overview on the damages provoked by the WWII to the railway infrastructures and on the efforts to reconstruct them undertaken by the Italian state in collaboration with the allies.
"Asylrecht" was made in 1948/49 as a commissioned work for the British occupation forces. It was shown in Great Britain under the title Report on the Refugee Situation, January 1949. In Germany, where...
Montan film about the European Coal and Steel Community.
Documentary film with fictional elements. The subject of the film is the economic and social reconstruction achievements of the state of Lower Saxony from 1946 to 1950. These are illustrated primarily...
The black-and-white footage by Ernst Hirsch document the roof work on the Cathedral of St. Trinitatis or Catholic Court Church, carried out by master builder Hermann Ullrich at the beginning of the 19...