An anarchic-surrealistic film which begins with the decision of a young man to continue the trade of his late father and makes a series of caustic references to modern social reality in the Greek coun...
Young Nikos (Errikos Briolas) leaves Athens to go to Thessaloniki, where he soon becomes a successful singer, thus leaving behind his beloved Mary (Kaiti Theochari). In Thessaloniki he meets another w...
During German Occupation, a mother will lose her child after the death of her well-off husband. Her mother-in-law will take her son with her. He grows up without ever seeing his mother again. However ...
A wealthy young man (Giorgos Moutsios) falls in love with a Gypsy girl named Mara (Katerina Chelmi). Their families object to the marriage, and confrontation cannot be avoided.
The son (Giorgos Zachariadis) of an aristocratic family returns to Greece, where he stays at a friend’s house in order to finish his studies in archaeology. There he falls in love with his friend’...