A barber (Filios Filippidis) undertakes both the housework and the care of the baby, since his wife works as a singer in nightclubs and is constantly busy. His hardships move the wife of the neighborh...
A wealthy man (Lampros Konstantaras) is responsible for his friend’s daughter (Anna Fonsou), who has come to Athens to study. The girl messes up his life and soon falls in love with him. Although he...
Selezione dei candidati al concorso di bellezza Baby Italia in un teatro milanese. Il concorso riguarda i bambini di tutta Italia, le fotografie dei selezionati saranno mandate alla redazione del sett...
A poor girl (Gkelly Mavropoulou), without a family, finds, in a rich young man, (Andreas Barkoulis) shelter from the difficulties of life. She decides to marry a wealthy engineer (Lampros Konstantaras...