This is the true story of a couple – fighters of the left, played by Dimitris Kataleifos and Themis Bazaka in the cinema. The story begins in 1954 when they met, and goes on through the hard years o...
Two brothers who compete with each other both in their social and professional lives clash when they fall in love with the same girl. When the younger brother leaves her broken hearted, she decides to...
The illness of a middle-aged man becomes the cause for the revelation of buried truths about the relationship of his life-companion with his best friend.
A has-been burglar, Dimos (Alexis Damianos), is released from prison and, after avenging himself on the man (Stratos Pachis) who betrayed him and killed his girlfriend, he plans a heist to show that h...
A photographer (Giota Festa) tries to raise her five-year-old daughter on her own, when a young man (Dimitris Alexandris) comes into her life, and romance grows between them. A friend of hers urges he...
Almost after every rehearsal, young theater actress Iro wanders around second-hand shops in Monastiraki in search of old books. She comes across a collection of postcards dating from the 1920s, bound ...
Alexandros (Stefanos Iatridis) is madly in love with a woman (Anna-Maria Papacharalampous) and begins searching for her at sea with his boat. After many days of wandering, he finds a cave where he mee...
The wife of an alcoholic and mother of four (Toula Stathopoulou) is a factory worker in Corfu at the beginning of the 20th century. A fallen noble man who has fallen on hard times (Stratis Tsopanellis...