Two siblings, Markos and Eleftheria (Dimitris Papamichail and Eleni Anousaki), run an employment office that provides people for various occasions and social events. These people encounter the most im...
A film adaptation of the theatrical comedy of the same name by Nikos Tsiforos and Polyvios Vasileiadis. A penniless but adept man is hired by a business undergoing serious problems. Through his capab...
Spourgitis (Sparrow) (Fragkiskos Manellis) is a clumsy, good-natured guy who, together with his friend Floros (Giannis Malouchos), find themselves in the most outrageous situations. Unable to pay thei...
An uncompromising director (Alkis Panagiotidis) is in the midst of a crisis. He has lost his best friend in a car accident and totally ignores his girlfriend (Isavella Mavraki). The final blow comes w...
A young couple (Kakia Analyti and Errikos Briolas) want to get married despite their poverty and two major obstacles: the girl’s stepmother, who demands being waited on hand and foot, and the young ...
Three friends circulate around Athens on their bicycles searching for love and the meaning of life, with carefree abandon and optimism.
A poor and deeply indebted painter, Miltos Kourkoutoulis, manages to survive with great difficulty. Moreover, he also becomes the target of a very cunning servant, Popi, who wants to nab him because ...
Annoula (Charitini Karolou), daughter of a poor musician, loves Andreas (Thanasis Mylonas, son of her boss (Manos Katrakis). Her sweetheart wants to be a musician and to live with Annoula, but his fat...