Sul Congresso cfr. L'illustrazione italiana, 11 ottobre 1931, n.41
1 - il re, preceduto da alti dignitari, affiancato dai ministri dei lavori pubblici italiano e belga, e seguito da lungo corteo ...
1 -
cavalli di bronzo del Vittoriano e vista dall'alto di piazza Venezia
2 -
cavalli della fontana di piazza del Quirinale
3 -
cavalli corrono nelle praterie
4 -
1 - un'automobile vista dall'alto percorre la strada del passo alpino
2 - la frontiera: sede dei Carabinieri dalla parte del confine italiano, sede dei gendarmi austriaci dall'altra.
3 - uom...
1 - Il re, accompagnato da generali, nel campo di aviazione della Caproni
2 - un uomo con baffi scuri, forse Gianni Caproni, accompagna il re nella sua visita alle officine
3 - Il re, con i...
Reportage about the festivities to mark the inauguration of Mayor M. van Hout in Helmond, on July 29, 1913 This film opens with the arrival of Mayor Van Hout at the station in Helmond, where he makes ...
German Emperor Wilhelm II visits the German troops on the front in Flanders during the First World War.
Christoph Maria Herbst bei der Premiere von "Männerhort" am 21. September 2014 im CineStar in Frankfurt a.M.
Serkan Cetinkaya bei der Premiere von "Männerhort" am 21. September 2014 im CineStar in Frankfurt a.M.
Uránia Filmszínház feliratos reklámplakátja fekete kerettel Felirat: Uránia Filmszínház VIII., Rákóczi út 21. Telefon: 131-888 Október 12-től műsoron A ménesgazda Gáll István regény...
Színes feliratos grafikai plakát zöldes alapon Felirat: La sposa era belissima A mennyasszony gyönyörű volt Gábor Pál filmje Stefania Sand relli és Angela Molina főszereplésével Operatőr:...
The production company "Werbe-Film G.m.b.H." applied against the ban of the film "Abbau auch im Harem" at the censorship headquarter in Berlin. The application was accepted. The film was permitted for...
The production company "William Kahn-Film G.m.b.H." applied against the ban of the film "Opfer" at the censorship headquarter in Berlin. The application was accepted. The film was permitted for adults...
The film "Der Weg ins Verderben" was prohibited by the censorship office in Berlin. The production company "Rolf Randolf Film G.m.b.H." applied against the ban of the film at the censorship headquarte...
The film "Ein Wohltäter der Menschheit" was banned by the censorship office in Berlin (censorship decision "5461" of March 10th, 1922). The production company "Film-Propaganda G.m.b.H. - Projektionsg...
The chairman applied against the permission of the photo 31 of the advertisement for the film "Salon Dora Green". The application was accepted. The production company "T.K. Tonfilm Produktion G.m.b.H....
The production company "Merkur-Filmverleih G.m.b.H." applied against the ban of the film "Närrische Frauen II. Teil (foolish wives)" at the censorship headquarter in Berlin. The application was accep...
Film distributing company applies for new censoring of the film "Ulice velkoměsta" (3rd censorship). The film was qualified for public screening - ban for young people, exclusion of scenes and titles...
On the Law of 1927 establishing as mandatory the exhibition of a 100m Portuguese film in every theatrical screenings