A film featuring comedian Spyros Dimitrakopoulos, who formed Athini Film Productions and went by the name Spyridion. His persona was clumsy and grotesque, reminiscent of Karagiozis and Fatty Arbuckle....
Another film starring the comedian, producer, scriptwriter and director Spyros Dimitrakopoulos. His gags draw references from foreign films, the burlesque genre and the Karagiozis shadow puppet theate...
This is the first film by Spyridon Dimitrakopoulos and the first production of his company, Athini Film. His character, Spyridion, modeled on the heroes of modern French and American comedies, here ma...
An indigent provincial girl comes to Athens to work as a maid in the mansion where her father also works. The latter wins the lottery, and, unexpectedly, their life changes for the better.
1 - Chiari e De Filippo litigano per la squadra del cuore
2 - lo stadio con le bandiere dell'inter e del Milan
3 - Walter Chiari in campo in tenuta da calciatore
4 - Macario allo stadio...