Jane Eyre, an orphan girl (Christina Sylva) is employed to teach the young daughter of a wealthy man (Manos Katrakos). A romance blossoms between the two, but their love is made impossible by the pres...
A fourteen-year-old boy has been brought before a court of law because he was trespassing in district attorney Christou’s yard. He refuses to defend himself in court, and his mother Martha testifies...
A singer (Giorgos Marinos) goes to the US hoping to make a career, but finds himself tangled up in a case of drug trafficking. With the support of a girl (Katia Dandoulaki) he struggles to stay clear ...
A man (Telis Zotos) who is considered a traitor and informant for the Germans during the war is actually a key member of the Resistance movement, and his secret is revealed.
This is a series of intersecting stories. A petty crook and former lover of a lazy ingénue steals the box-office receipts from the Odeon of Herodus Atticus, on the day an important football game is a...
After the German occupation, a businessman (Vasilis Mitsakis) does not tell his sick daughter (Katia Dandoulaki) that her beloved is dead and instead hires an aristocratic fortune-hunter (Christos Pol...
A poor but sensible young man, Stefanos, whose mother is the janitor in the apartment building where they live, studies law by day and sings in a nightclub at night. When Christina, the lovely daughte...
A gang consists of: the leader, an ex-convict called “uncle” who lies about his disability and three other members: Nikos, a charming fortune hunter; Jenny, his girlfriend, and an expert thief nic...