Volunteer Janda (smith) in Italian uniform encounters his family after the end of the war.
Nesvatba (actor) on the left side holds umbrella on his right hand, Kolár (actor) opposite.
Vrchlická (actress) on a dress with a brooch. Nový (actor) holds a skull on his hand.
Mit Ehefrau Anita Park anlässlich der Ausstellung "Hardy Krüger - Filmstar Autor Weltenbummler" im Deutschen Filmmuseum, Frankfurt, am 12.4.2005
Volker Schlöndorff vor der Vitrine mit der "Blechtrommel" im DFF - Deutsches Filminstitut & Filmmuseum, Frankfurt am 28. März 2013
Hubert von Goisern, sein Manager Hage Hein (2007, v.l.n.r.) in "Hubert von Goisern - Brenna tuat's schon lang" (2013-15)
Christian Wagner mit dem Preis für das beste Drehbuch für "Stille Sehnsucht - Warchild" beim Festival des Films du Monde de Montréal 2006
Far-out farcical fun about paroled convict Søren, who returns to the place where once he buried his ill-gotten gold. Alas, the place has now been turned into a major camping site. Allied with site ma...
Szene aus "Here and There"
Volker Michalowski (Mitte), Gael García Bernal (rechts) in "Salt and Fire" (2015/16)
Swetlana Alexjewitsch in "Near and Elsewhere" (2018)
"Love and 50 Megatons" (2019)
Szene aus "Losers and Winners"
"And-Ek Ghes..." (2015/16)
Joseph Vogl in "Near and Elsewhere" (2018)
Enrique Fissin "Near and Elsewhere" (2018)
The psychological thriller »Murk" tells the story of Jacob, who is investigating into the circumstances surrounding his sister's death on her wedding night.
Van's father, Stan, is fond of video, always taping scenes of daily family life. But he does not take care of Van's grandmother, Armen. Although he could afford having her at home, she is spending her...
Ein Gefangener berichtet über seinen Alltag in der Strafanstalt. Sorgfältig und zurückhaltend gestalteter Spielfilm mit quasi-dokumentarischem Charakter mit gutem Text von Jörg Steiner. Trotz sein...
Der Tierarzt Dr Merk filmt seine tägliche Arbeit, bzw die Arbeit in einem landwirtschaftlichen Betrieb zur Reintegration von Straftätern. Man sieht sowohl die Arbeiter als auch ihn bei der Arbeit, e...
A promotion film made to order of the owner of the Pelhřimov textile factory, J. F. Kouřímský. The film shots illustrate the history of his business activities, from initial simple production carr...
Historic drama about the Cossack Mazeppa, who at the end of the seventeenth century was a highly placed soldier under the Polish king Jan II Casimir. After a battle Mazeppa is honoured by the king bec...
A short maritime drama in which a ship-owner forces an old captain to cede control of his ship to a younger man. But when a storm breaks out, that younger man turns out to be in the ship’s hold, dru...
An American secret agent, Dan Holland, comes to Greece on a mission to find a hydrogen bomb that was stolen from a NATO base in Turkey. Instead, however, he uncovers the murderers of another American...