The film centers on the lives of three friends during World War II. One of them is executed for deserting, having attempted to see his girlfriend. Another of the three friends is traumatized by the de...
Andreas is a robust and successful businessman. However, he suspects that his wife, Christina, is having an affair with the author Alexis Romanos, who is an old friend and fellow-student of his. Despi...
Lalakis, a broke man who is obsessed with expensive foreign clothes, manages to satisfy his sartorial desires through some interesting schemes. When he is fired and has no money at all, he meets Livia...
Kosmas (Kostas Voutsas) is always bossing around his submissive wife Loula (Kaiti Papanika). But when they host a newlywed couple (Nikos Dadinopoulos and Teti Schoinaki), they discover a different way...
A young man (Panos Michalopoulos) arrives in Athens from the provinces ready to enjoy his independence. He falls in love with a girl (Sofia Alimperti) and becomes involved with the wrong crowd. In ord...
Mitsos, in an effort to keep the matchmaking agency he inherited from his mother, disguises himself and performs all kinds of tricks in order to keep his clients happy. One day, he also gets his chanc...
Taking advantage of the fact that he has the same name as a well-known industrialist and with the help of a woman friend of his, Panos (Panos Michalopoulos) goes on a cruise, hoping to win the hearts ...
A young man, who was raised as an orphan by Gypsies, opens a school for aspiring beggars. In the evenings, he lives a luxurious life, until a couple of crooks try to fool him. Eventually, he falls in ...