An 18-year-old boy (Alkis Kourkoulos) leaves his home in search of Skiachtra, an enchanted girl-fairy he met one night by the river. He sets off on an adventure that turns out to be a journey of initi...
A poor university student (Stathis Psaltis) realises that he is gifted with extraordinary physical strength. His life changes completely when a boxing coach (Giorgos Loukakis) discovers him and makes ...
Stathis, Rena and Alexis are three wild, nutty siblings. The first is an incurable biker; the second is a dance fanatic and club frequenter, and the third is a devotee of hard rock. Stathis has been ...
An admirer of women (Andreas Barkoulis) falls from the balcony and dies while trying to see a woman sunbathing in the nude. In the moments before his death, all his erotic memories pass before his eye...