This is the true story of a couple – fighters of the left, played by Dimitris Kataleifos and Themis Bazaka in the cinema. The story begins in 1954 when they met, and goes on through the hard years o...
Journalists Dimitris and Christina (Lampros Konstantaras and Maro Kontou) are a married couple who regularly quarrel, chiefly because Christina keeps referring to an old love affair with a man named S...
A film set in the early 1930s. In a provincial seaside town, Kochyli (=Shell), the eight-year-old Petros and the seven-year-old Anthoula discover the world around them: nature, animals, birds, as well...
The son (Alekos Tzanetakos) of a well-off provincial (Lampros Konstantaras) settles in Athens to study law, but the only thing he does is party and get further and further behind in his studies. When ...
Rena and her friend Betty (Rena Vlachopoulou and Betty Valasi) are fanatic roulette players at the casino on Parnitha. Rena's husband (Dimitris Kallivokas) attempts to stop her have no effect. When he...
Disappointed by his first marriage, which ended in divorce, Isaias Stefanakis opens a match-making agency, claiming openly that marriage by match-making is the only way to ensure marital happiness. De...
Τhe cheerful daughter of the neighborhood taverna owner, Asimina, wins an apartment in a cooking contest and thus becomes “the lady of the kitchen”. But even if she became a lady by chance, never...
A talented writer (Ntinos Iliopoulos) wanting to remain true to his principles, refuses to cheapen his work and instead teaches for a living. The arrival of a Greek American producer (Nikos Rizos) cha...